Mitigation Program for Low-Income Floridians Informational Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Mitigation Program for Low-Income Floridians Informational Meeting My Safe Florida Home Mitigation Program for Low-Income Floridians Request for Proposals Informational Meeting Presented by the Florida Hurricane Relief Fund August 28, 2006 St. Petersburg, Florida

Program Components Presentation by: Amy Bradbury Florida Hurricane Relief Fund 850-414-8681

Program Components Outreach Grantee Casework Pre-Inspection Survey Rehabilitation and Retrofit Certificate of Completion Quality Control Inspections Reporting

Expectations Outreach Grantee Casework 4,000 low-income families in 2 months 10,000 low-income families in 3 years Grantee Casework Data entry to VFF web-based reporting system (p.11) Certificate of Eligibility (p. 4)

Expectations Pre-Inspection Survey (p.4) No retrofit work may be done without written report of inspection Rehabilitation and Retrofit Permits & local building department inspections Supervision by Insured Licensed Contractor In accordance with “Guidelines for Residential Wind Protection Retrofit Work” Job Cost expenses, volunteer labor & other match

Expectations Certificate of Completion (p. 5) Quality Control Inspections Inspection of Field Work: at least 10% of all work done by sub-recipients will be randomly selected for post-inspection surveys Inspection of accounting and record systems maintained by sub-recipients Includes site visit with 90-days by VFF/FHRF staff and on-going technical assistance and monitoring visits

General Requirements for State Funds received from VFF/FHRF Pages 5-6 Subject to funding availability and future legislative action No Lobbying Establish or utilize restricted account Incorporated or chartered under state or federal statutes Possess and maintain 501(c)3 designation Local governing board Maintain records in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices

General Requirements for State Funds received from VFF/FHRF Pages 5-6 Liability insurance No Discrimination Media guidelines and protocol Utilize VFF reporting formats Provide link to State single audit in accordance with s. 215.97, Florida Statutes

Reporting Requirements (Attachment A – formats provided to funded organizations at program management training) On-going Reports Submit electronic copy of Certificate of Eligibility Provide Grantee data on web-based reporting system Periodic Reports Required monthly for first three months; quarterly thereafter Detailed progress on each Grantee Submit electronic copy of Certificate of Completion Job Cost expenses, volunteer labor and match Hard copies of receipts and accounting system reports Reimbursements not processed without current progress reports

Navigating The Application Process Presentation by: Barbara Gershman, Director Grants Development Volunteer Florida Foundation 850-414-8681

The Following Will Be Covered: How to be eligible How to compete successfully Helpful hints

How to be eligible Rules protect all competitors Meet the deadline: in our Tallahassee office by 5:00 p.m. EST, sharp, September 7 (extended from September 6 due to TS Ernesto Hard copy, mailed or hand-delivered NOT e-mailed or faxed Format followed to the letter 12-point font, one-inch margins on all sides, not exceed 5 pages exclusive of attachments (work & management plans and budget)

How to Compete Successfully Narrative Points The score is everything – go for every point! Need – 25 points Experience and Capability – 25 points Work Plan and Management Time Line – 25 points Budget and Budget Narrative – 25 points

How to Compete Successfully Bonus Points Pre-identified homeowners – 30 points Detailed leveraged resources – 20 points Priority or surrounding county – 5 points TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 55

Why did we ask these questions? What were we looking for? We wanted to know about your organization. We wanted to know your plans for this project.

Statement of Need Why should we choose your service area? How familiar is your organization with those in need in your service area, and with the specific needs that they have? What objective information supports your numbers? What impact will the project make in your service area?

Experience/Capability of Applicant How experienced is your organization? Years, months? Case files back you up? Staff on board or to-be-hired – their experience and expected qualifications? Contractors? Tasks to be performed? Necessary? Percentage of time each is devoted to project? 12 months or less? Volunteers or resources to be leveraged? (Shown in budget?)

Work Plan – Attachment B Can you help meet statewide inspection goals? Do you have ambitious but realistic goals for initiating construction? Are your numbers consistent with your budget – both funds provided by grant and resources leveraged? (Remember there is a $1,600 statewide cash average per home for this program and a $5,000 maximum of state funds allowed per home.)

Management Plan – Attachment C Do you know how to administer a grant? Do you know how to operate a project? Do you know all the necessary steps? Do you know the timing and sequence for necessary steps?

Budget Did you fill-in all the blanks? Thoroughly explain how you came up with your totals (unit cost x # of units)? Does your budget correspond with your staff projections? Is your leveraged budget explained to the extent that your cash budget is? Will your leveraged budget help you fill the gap to achieve necessary repairs?

Construction Budget The program prohibits paying more than prevailing wages for each craft or type of work. Prevailing wage rates by county can be found for each county at the following website:

Helpful Hints Follow the order of the questions with your answers, making sure you meet/exceed all the criteria. (These are the standards reviewers will use to score your answers.) Provide detail – as though you’ve planned well enough to start up tomorrow. Write simply, directly, and have a decent writer edit and fix up the final product.

More Helpful Hints Start as soon as you get home Assign a staff member to accomplish each of the following: Write the proposal Gather information about the need Line up volunteers and donated resources Put together the list of pre-identified homeowners

Important Contacts: Amy Bradbury Florida Hurricane Relief Fund 850-414-8681 Barbara Gershman, Director Grants Development Volunteer Florida Foundation 850-414-8681

Any Questions?