Project Placements Project placements are time-limited and will have fixed goals. You will be able to apply for funding for OBSEA if your project requires it to be successful. All placements will start during Semester 2. Please contact Harry Jenkins to express interest in the project placements pathway by 23rd November. Include which social issues you’re interested in learning more about, what skills you would like to develop, and lastly your availability next semester.
An example placement Windrush Bike Project are a CIC based in Witney. They promote cycling among disadvantaged groups and run a community space for bike maintenance and information. They require help to: complete market research on local demand for an open bike maintenance workshop. create a promotional film for Bikeability cycle training. scope out the feasibility of running corporate days to increase revenue generation.
Typical Process Meet placement and agree project scope / your commitment Identify what needs to be done and agree outcomes and a budget Identify any funding coming from SE and shortfall Bid for funding as part of Dragon’s Den programme in March - project completed within 12 months of award (April 2018) Community Member involvement – put you in touch with SE’s but a private arrangement. We can only advise. Cannot bid as an individual for funding as part of Dragons Den. Could be part of a team made up of Brookes staff / students