CAD/PAD Engineering Division Overview Given To CAD/PAD Industry Summit 19-20 April 2017 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. This brief is provided for information only and does not constitute a commitment on behalf of the U.S. Government to provide additional information on the program and/or sale of the equipment or system.
Full Life Cycle Organizational Support Acq. Mgmt. / FMS Support OA / Logistics USAF IPT R&D Product Improvement Qual 2nd Source In-Service Engineering Config. & Data Mgmt. VFS In-House Manuf. Casting Non-Destruct. Test Ballistic Test
Some E2 Goals/Initiatives Improved Acquisition / Development Timeline 1st pass yield to keep quality high Updating Technical Data Packages – Simplify ability to bid/build Alternative contracting strategies Use RDM (5 years of logistics requirements) and OA schedule to pre-plan manufacturing / test requirements and obtain necessary hardware/equipment Pursue alternatives for aging / obsolete material Tools to ease impacts of personnel turn-over Continue streamlining/documenting processes Ensure 2-deep through cross-training One Team! Better internal & external communication Technical Interchange Meetings / Programmatic Meetings with Suppliers & Customers