How were Jews Rescued during the Holocaust?
How Many of the Jews living in Europe end up Being rescued ?
Before World War II about 9 to 9.5 million Jews were living in Europe. By the time the war ended it was only about 3 to 3.5 million Jews left in Europe or surviving the holocaust in a new country, by escaping with help from individuals such as Raoul Wallenberg or Oskar Schindler or resistance groups sending you to countries such as the United States and other neutral countries around Europe. Some Jews survived by being married to non Jews, but the majority either survived the camps threw the war, able to be sent to another country or sit in hiding till the end of the war.
How did resistance groups help during the Holocaust?
When resistance groups started to be created during the Holocaust, one of the movements they took was to be able to rescue these children and put them in safe homes. This movement was called the kinder transport. Another think that started to occur later on at the camps were revolts such as the one at Warsaw or resistance groups hiding and killing Nazi’s when the got a hold of weapons during the war. In some cases the resistance would bribe officials to keep the Jews from being sent away to camps, as well as using illegal immigration to places like Palestine to protect them from being killed
What resistance groups stick out during the holocaust?
For me, one of the most helpful resistance groups of the holocaust was a group called Zegota. This name was a code name for a Jewish resistance group located in Poland. With the Zegota they were located in multiple cities in Poland to help those both inside the wall of the ghettos as well as helping those located outside in there communities. This group would provide forged documents, food, lodging, medicine and financial support. The groups organization headquarters was located in Warsaw.
What individuals stick out the most for rescuing Jews during the holocaust
A few individuals that stand out were Oskar Schindler, Rauol Wallenberg, and Irene Opdyke who risked there lives money to protect Jews from loosing there lives in the years of the Holocaust each of these individuals stood out for doing a little extra to keep these people alive.
What did Oskar Schindler do to help the Jews? In many cases Oskar Schindler would be look at as an unlikely hero of the holocaust, with profiting from the War with cheap labor and being part of the Nazi party in 1939. Later in 1944 Oskar Schindler would end up rescuing 1,200 by using bribery techniques and money which he profited to make him one of the most unlikely heroes of the Holocaust.
TO see a video on Oskar Shindler go to
How did Rauol Wallenberg help rescue Jews During the Holocaust? Rauol Wallenberg was a clever Swedish Diplomat who in unique ways was able to help about 30,000 Hungarian Jews from being sent to Auschwitz concentration camps. Wallenberg was able to bribe, make Swedish housing and many other ways to keep these Jews from being transported. By the end of his mission his colleagues and himself rescued an estimated 100,000 Jews.
How did Irene Opdyke help Jews during the Holocaust? This is one of the more bazaar stories of rescuers during the holocaust that I've heard. Irene was working at a hotel that held Nazi generals when she one day observed a killing of innocent Jews which gave her the motive to rescue them, when she would then hid and house them in the hotel which when finally major Rugemer found out of this, but for others to find out Jews were housed in his living spaced made it hard to act on the problem ,so in solution Irene became major Rugemer’s mistress.
What countries took Jews in during the Holocaust?
During this time Jews were sent to the places that were not under Nazi control yet or places that didn’t really get involved military wise some of these places were Sweden Denmark the United States and even places in Asia such as parts of China were taking in Jews to protect them from Nazi rule.
Did the Church Help Rescue Jews during the holocaust?
One of the main controversies was with the catholic church and its support on helping the Jews during the Holocaust. During the time of Hitler's power the pope( head of all Catholic churches) was neutral to the public about Hitler and his corrupted plans. By doing this the church wasn’t looked to the biggest supporter of helping Jews during this time even though Pope Pius XII did shelter some Jews during the time of the Holocaust.
Where did Jews go at the end of the Holocaust?
By the time the War was over in 1945 many of the Jews that survived the camps or rescued in hiding became displaced not knowing were to go and live a normal life again. In many cases for Jews sent out of there home country they didn’t want to return do to all the tragedy or even go back finding nothing there any more for them. Some Jews would go back and try to relive there lives as others would find new homes in different countries. Sadly another thing that happened to the unfortunate was having to live there lives in a displacement camp do to the inability to find a home.
What were laws and punishment in protecting Jews ?
In most cases, when Jews where hidden in non Jew homes, if caught the soldiers would send the Jews to concentration camps or kill them as well as the members who were hiding the Jews in there home. With the Jews having to keep away from society and rescuers having to keep quiet was a very brave and difficult task that many faced to save the Jews from being killed or sent away.