PRINCIPLES OF CABLE & PIPE LOCATION Advanced Training Presentation More than pushing buttons…. ….Here’s how and why they work
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Biggest misconception in Pipe and Cable locating Pipe and cable locators Don’t locate buried pipes and cables (in spite of what the glossy brochure says) Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 They locate electromagnetic FIELDS radiating from metallic pipes & cables Hint- we use these fields to find the buried utilities Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 The locating signal…… Is produced by the flow of the alternating (AC) current which creates an electromagnetic field This electromagnetic field radiates from the conductor and is known as the locate signal Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 The locating signal…… if there is NO AC CURRENT FLOWING, there will be NO LOCATING SIGNAL. Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 This electric current may originate from other sources (Passive Locating) or from the transmitter (Active Locating)TBC Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 The locating signal…… But you need to know that fields do things pipes and cables DON’T DO The fields on these “conductors” will push and pull each other. More on that later Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Creating the locating signal…… Signals are created by the current flowing from the transmitter which travel along the conductor (line/cable/pipe) and back to the transmitter. The current typically uses the ground to complete the current. The earth stake is used to complete the circuit through the ground. Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 The locating signal…… We think of the signal traveling from the transmitter and back to the earth stake. In fact the signal is continually changing direction, flowing back and forth. The rate at which it changes is called frequency, so for instance, 60Hz means the signal changes direction 60 times per second, 8000Hz (or 8 kHz) means 8000 times per second. (The “k” denotes 1000) The frequency is chosen depending on the application Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 The locating signal…… These signals may use other pipes and cables to return to the transmitter because they represent a easier path than the ground. This results in what most locate staff call “ghosting” or “spilling”. Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Detecting the locating signal…… The locator receiver contains sensors, typically coils, that detect the electromagnetic field (the signal) These sensors are known as antennas The signal induces a response in the antennas by electromagnetic induction Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 The response to the signal…… There are several antennas in a locator, these can be used in different combinations. Each combinations (known as modes) provides a different types of response. Types of responses for general locating are “Peak”, “Left-Right”, “Null ” and “Compass/Line direction” indication. Additional modes are often used for specific applications “Sonde” Mode (for locating Sondes or CCTV inspection cameras – see Sonde section Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 A typical locate set consists of …… Connection Leads Ground Stake Transmitter (Tx) Receiver (Rx) Signal Clamp Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Passive Locating Active Locating Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Passive Locating - Looking for existing signals Power power transmission & distribution networks (60Hz & related harmonics) telecom and water lines Radio radio transmissions (15kHz – 27kHz & related harmonics) Application specific signals from specific applications (CATV, Cathodic Protection, Fiber optics..etc) Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 When to use Passive Modes…… Always “Call Before You Dig” and follow your own company’s work & safety practices. Always follows local, provincial, national, regulations and your own company safety and work practices. Searching for unknown buried lines when applying a transmitter signal is not practical - to verify the presence of adjacent lines A last check before digging For small localized digging (planting a fencepost or road sign) – still requires contact with One Call Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Passive Signals Sources…… Application Specific Some cables & pipes radiate signals that are used as a carrier signal such as cable TV (CATV), or to provide cathodic protection to pipes Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Active Locating - Looking for Signals we create…… Active signals are applied using a transmitter ( Tx) Transmitters typically have one or more locate frequencies the choice of frequency depends on the conductor being located, and by the method the signal is applied Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 When to use Active Modes…… Always follow local, Provincial, Federal regulations and your own company safety and work practices. When locating a specific line in congested areas When tracing a specific line for any distance When pinpointing a buried line When accurate depth measurement is required Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 Active Signals…… 20081105 Three ways to apply the signal: Direct connection – one lead to the target line, the other to ground. (Conductive) Clamp – induces a signal into a cable, without making a direct connection. Induction – induces a signal into a cable or pipe, by placing the transmitter on the surface over the target line.(Drop Box) Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Three steps to an active locate 1. Make a field - the best you can ( Tx) 2. Find the field - hopefully, your target field (Rx) 3. Look at the field – gather enough information to satisfy yourself that it’s the one you want.
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. There are three (3) method of applying an active signal to a line: Conductive (Direct connection) preferred Using a signal clamp Inductive ( Drop Box) Clip , Clamp and Spill Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Frequency Most transmitters can transmit several different frequencies Different manufacturers use different frequencies The best frequency for the job will vary depending on the way the signal is applied (direct connection, signal clamp, induction) The distance from the transmitter The type of line being located Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Active Signal Frequency…… Low frequency (100Hz – 1 kHz) Cables and pipes Direct connection Long distance Low distortion Medium frequency (8 kHz – 33 kHz) Direct connection, clamp & induction Reasonable distance High frequency (65 kHz – 200 kHz) Induction Shorter distance Higher potential for distortion “Bleed-off” Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Frequency Low Frequency (100Hz – 1 kHz) Cables & insulated pipes & cable identification Direct connection Long distance Less coupling to adjacent lines Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Frequency Medium Frequency (8 kHz – 33 kHz) General purpose Cables & pipes Direct connection, clamp & induction Moderate distance Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Frequency High Frequency (65 kHz – 200 kHz) High resistance or poorly grounded Good for jumping insulated joints Most suited to induction Generally shorter distance Will couple to adjacent lines Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Direct Connection…… Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Direct connection Plug the connection leads into transmitter first Remove any insulation, rust or paint to ensure a good electrical connection Place the ground stake in the ground at 900 to the cable and as far away as practical 10-15’ is ideal Remember, you want good electrical contact to make the current flow Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Direct connection When positioning the ground stake, to minimize coupling to other lines Do NOT place it close to other lines Avoid placing it on the other side of adjacent lines ( not always possible) Avoid placing it close to parallel metallic fences or barriers Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Using a Signal Clamp…… Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Using a Signal Clamp Use when you cannot connect to a conductor, or insulated sheath or for cable identification Place the clamp around the line Connect below the grounding point (to ensure the signal has a signal path between near and far ground points) A transmitter ground connection is not required when using the clamp (target line must be grounded at each end) Clamps are designed for specific frequencies only (typically 8 kHz – 83 kHz) Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Induction Mode…… 8’ – 12’ Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Induction Allows signal to be applied to a line without access to the line The applied signal is generally less than the other connection methods (as the signal has to travel through ground to reach the line) It may couple to other metallic lines & structures adjacent to target line Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Induction Place the transmitter over and in line with the target line at a known point (close to, but not on an access point such as a manhole, handhold or pedestal) Ensure the transmitter is oriented correctly Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line.. Induction Never locate within 25ft (8M) of the transmitter (the signal from the transmitter has an airborne element which you will locate) (Air coupling) Never place on top of a manhole cover or metal plate (the signal will not penetrate through the steel to the line) The accuracy of depth readings may be influenced if taken close to a transmitter in Induction mode – min 75’/25M separation is required Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Applying the transmitter signal to the line… Induction One other technique that can be undertaken with induction is an ACTIVE sweep One person carries the transmitter in induction mode Another person 25ft (8m) away carries the receiver Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Using the receiver -Different types of locate modes Select the locating mode: “Peak” mode Best for tracing and pinpoint the line in congested areas “Null” mode Best for following a line if tracing for some distance (swap to “Peak” mode to pinpoint) Also useful for helping to determine if you’re tracing your “target” conductor “Compass ” mode Reveals the direction of the field being traced Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Using the receiver -Different types of locate modes Select the locating mode: “Auto” Left/right mode Best for tracing and pinpoint the line in less congested areas “Manual” Left/Right mode Best for following a line if tracing for some distance. Also useful for helping to determine if you’re tracing your “target” conductor Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Modes…… “Left/Right Mode” Right of target line is represented by a solid tone and bar on display “Left/Right mode” Left of target line is represented by a broken tone and bar on display
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Modes…… “Compass Line direction” Provides “direction” & “orientation” to the line Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Using the receiver…… In “Peak” mode – you can tell the direction of the line Move the receiver forwards and backwards across the line in a smooth action Rotate the receiver to establish the direction of the line Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Distorted Fields…… The magnetic field (the signal) radiating from buried lines can be distorted by the presence of adjacent metallic conductors or other signals. This is caused by: Signals induced from the target line to other lines Commonly bonded structures Badly positioned ground (at the transmitter) The result is that the receiver detects signals from more than one location and the fields (both) can become distorted. Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Distorted Fields…… A typical distorted field… Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Identifying distorted fields…… Using “Peak” & “Null” modes to identify field distortion On a clean, undistorted field the “Peak” and “Null” locate response will match If distortion is present, the peak and null locate response will no longer match. Typically, the greater the distortion, the further apart these locate responses will be. Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Identifying distorted fields…… Using Depth Measurement to reveal vertical field distortion Locate the line & measure depth with the locator resting on the ground Lift the receiver off the ground by a known distance - 1ft (30cm) Take another depth reading The depth reading should have increase by the distance you raised the receiver – if significantly different – the field is distorted – at that point Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Measuring Depth…… Depth & transmitted signal current can also be measured using a locator Depth is measured to the center of the signal – in the case of a large pipe this is considerably different to the top of the pipe Some locators provide “continuous” depth – consistency of results is an issue Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Measuring Depth…… Pushbutton Depth All locators with pushbutton depth work in a similar way Position the locator over the cable using the “Peak” mode Press the depth button Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Measuring Depth & Current…… Do NOT rely on depth & current measurements made.. Close to bends in the line Close to “Tee’s” in the line Close to the transmitter Where the line is changing depth Where field distortion has been identified All of these factors can result in inaccurate depth & current readings. Field distortion is minimized when lines are straight and level for 10-12 feet. Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Using signal current to help identify the target line…… Current readings will reduce gradually unless There is a “Tee” in the line A large fault in the insulation Or you are locating the wrong line Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Using signal current to help identify the target line…. Current readings are not influenced by depth Current readings should be consistent with Tx output and previous readings Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
GPS Options Link via bluetooth to receiver Ability to link with range of GPS devices App for smart phones Real time mapping of locate and email using smartphone Data stored in receiver, retrieved by using ‘My Locator2’ software, using desktop icon.
GPS Options…… Range of devices –
Example of kml file
Data captured during locate Log No Date Time (Local) Latitude Longitude Distance (ft) Accumulated Distance (ft) Depth (ft) Current (A) Frequency (Hz) Mode Signal Direction 1 04/05/2013 05:35:57 39.20410083 -76.94430389 2.286745407 0.018104 8192 peak none 2 05:38:01 39.20406583 -76.94433861 13.12335958 3.595800525 0.014432 3 05:38:42 39.20405278 -76.94432861 3.280839895 16.40419948 3.074146982 0.011798 4 05:39:09 39.20406389 -76.94431 6.56167979 22.96587927 4.307742782 0.012334 5 05:39:43 39.204065 -76.94423694 19.68503937 42.65091864 4.668635171 0.010089 6 05:40:12 39.20404083 -76.9441725 62.33595801 4.320866142 0.00908 7 05:40:43 39.20402083 -76.94409889 82.02099738 3.73687664 0.007834 8 05:41:12 39.20402389 -76.94403389 98.42519685 4.796587927 0.006502 9 05:41:58 39.20401889 -76.94378194 68.8976378 167.3228346 3.723753281 0.004335 10 05:42:48 39.204005 -76.94355389 229.6587927 3.75984252 0.003286 11 05:43:25 39.20407583 -76.94339278 49.21259843 278.8713911 3.579396325 0.002631 12 05:44:10 39.20428389 -76.94333778 75.45931759 354.3307087 2.17519685 0.002463 13 05:44:55 39.20447 -76.94332389 65.6167979 419.9475066 3.986220472 0.002484 14 05:45:40 39.20452278 -76.943405 29.52755906 449.4750656 3.910761155 0.00028 15 05:46:04 39.20454083 -76.94343778 9.842519685 459.3175853 3.057742782 0.000193 16 05:46:22 39.20454389 -76.94345583 462.5984252 4.763779528 0.000169 17 06:05:03 39.20412278 -76.94456083 347.7690289 810.3674541
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Accessories Extend the utility of your locate set Locate broken trace wire Identify specific cables Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Accessories provide additional functionality… Sondes Non metallic pipe location Tracing CCTV sewer camera in cast iron or non-metallic pipe Remote Antenna USB & Signal Clamp Cable identification A-frame Cable sheath fault finding Pipe coating evaluation Broken trace wire Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Accessories… Remote Antenna & Signal Clamp… Used to identify cables Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Accessories… Sondes… A Sonde is a small self-contained transmitter Sondes are inserted into non metallic pipes or ducts to make them locatable or to locate blockages Higher frequency (33 kHz) are used for non-metallic pipes. Some low frequency Sondes (512Hz/640Hz) will transmit through cast iron pipe Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Accessories… Sondes… Sondes radiate a signal with a different shape to the signals radiated from cables Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Sonde Locating When locating a sonde, use a “cross-hair” technique Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 5 Corrective Steps Check the batteries Both in receiver and the transmitter Check the connections Metal to metal on painted surfaces Check ground (In a cellar you can ground to a sump pump, in the corner of the room, wet a rag and put grounding stake in it or run it outside a window). Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 5 Corrective Steps 3. Check continuity of cables Check leads both ends Pull on wire to see if it stretches 4. Turn yourself around Locate from street to house 5. Go to your benchmark Have a location where you know where the infrastructure is and how deep it is. Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Safety…… Locators are precision well engineered tools, however the environment we locate in is not perfect. Always be aware of the influence of distorted fields Always take account of visual clues (manholes, pedestals etc) Always consider “as built plans” if available NEVER use digging machinery over marked out pipes or cables Do NOT give “depth” information unless authorized by your company Follow all Federal, Provincial, and company rules and regulations particularly as regards safety CALL BEFORE YOU DIG - ALWAYS DIG CAREFULLY Principles of Cable & Pipe Location
Theory Presentation vLocPro V1.1 20081105 Thank You for your attention! Questions? Principles of Cable & Pipe Location