Museum of Childhood Review
How are the representations of childhood different (if at all) from modern images of childhood? Common: play inspires teaching and learning; toys, games, handicrafts still exist; a lot of dolls in the past; trains; scary thin dolls; commercialisation Pregnant doll Different: technology, materials, representation of class/gender; dolls looked like adults (miniature adults); safety issues; voltage of the trains; class driven—better toys for higher class; e.g. toys looked posh or rag dolls; plump dolls
What evidence of gender stereotyping is there What evidence of gender stereotyping is there? In what ways (if at all) are things different today for girls/boys? Action figures for boys/dress up dolls for girls—still is Pink for girls and primary colours for boys 1900s—girls’ toys domestic and boys’ military—slightly changed Computer games generally directed toward boys Cars, trucks, farm implements, motor bikes, bicycles—boy toys
What cultural assumptions/ values (if any) are evident in the displays? Older toys, white children, middle/upper class Clockwork toys described for wealthy children Toys/dolls role model of culture idealised Black dolls were portrayed as servants
How (if at all) are children from different ethnic backgrounds presented? Other; inferior; “the help” Progressing slowly in representation Tractor from India Clothing not as “good” as England African children and Portuguese children making toys from recycled materials—inferior Popeye—promoting nutrition (spinach) giving super strength; message to children?!
What have you learned about children’s play. Has it changed over time What have you learned about children’s play? Has it changed over time? If so how? Play has expanded through resources Young children learn through play Changed—toys valued longer historically; more sharing
Is there any evidence that children were viewed differently in the past? If so how? Physical needs emphasised for immigrant children—past Child labour focus for some toys—working in factories, mines Health and safety of toys offered More infrastructure for children to have support in play— contemporary Childhood very differently defined historically—focus on following rules, becoming adults, contributing to society
Are children better or worse off now? If so how?