Divorce & Remarriage
Divorce & Remarriage Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Divorce Remarriage Unbelievers bound by the law? The Attitude Definition of the exception
Divorce & Remarriage Why study this topic
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Divorce Mal 2:13-16 Mt 5:31-32 Mt 19:3-12 ? I Cor 7:10-16 I Cor 7:39, 1 Pet 3:1-6
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Divorce Remarriage
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Remarriage Mt 5:31-32, Lk 16:18, Mk 10:1-12 I Cor 7:39, Rom 7:1-3
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Remarriage Is the Unbeliever bound by this law?
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Is the Unbeliever bound by this law? I Cor 7 Gen 2:24, Mt 19:5-6 Rom 1:18-32, Rom 3:10 & 23, I Cor 6:9-11 Rom 6:1-2, I Cor 6:9-11 Mt 14:3-5, Ezra 9-10
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Law The Attitude Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law The Attitude
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Attitude Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law The Attitude
Divorce & Remarriage Jesus’ teaching on it The Attitude Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law The Attitude Mt 5:27-44 Hosea 1:2
Divorce & Remarriage Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Divorce Remarriage Unbelievers bound by the law? The Attitude Definition of the exception
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception Why study this topic Jesus’ teaching on it The Law Divorce Remarriage Unbelievers bound by the law? The Attitude Definition of the exception
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception (KJV) fornication (NKJV) sexual immorality, fornication (NASB) unchastity, sexual immorality, immorality(ies), fornication(s) From Greek word “porneia” Related words “porneuo” & “pornos”
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception (1) Contextual use No definition inherent Mt 5:32, Mt 19:9, Mt 15:19, Mk 7:21, 2 Cor 12:21, Gal 5:19, Eph 5:3, Col 3:5, 1 Thess 4:3-5, Rev 9:20-21 Definition given Jn 8:41, Acts 15:19-29, Acts 21:25, 1 Cor 5:1, 1 Cor 6:13-20, 1 Cor 7:1-3, Jude 1:7, Rev 2:20-22 (porneuo) 1 Cor 10:8, Rev 2:14 – Reference Num 25:1-9 (pornos) Heb 13:4
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception Contextual use Idolatry
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception Idolatry Contextual use Idolatry Rev 2:20-21, Rev 14:8, Rev 17:1-6, Rev 18:2-3 & 9, Rev 19:2 O.T. illustrations of idolatry-fornication: Ezk 16:25, Hos 2:2, Jer 5:7-8, Isa 57:3
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception Idolatry Contextual use Idolatry God’s definition of “one flesh”
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception Contextual use Idolatry God’s definition of “one flesh” - 1 Cor 6:13-20
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception Contextual use Idolatry God’s definition of “one flesh” An “in-between”
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception An “in-between” Contextual use Idolatry God’s definition of “one flesh” An “in-between” 2 Cor 12:21, Gal 5:19 Eph 5:3, Col 3:5
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception An “in-between” Contextual use Idolatry God’s definition of “one flesh” An “in-between” The Disciples’ Response
Divorce & Remarriage Definition of the exception Contextual use Idolatry God’s definition of “one flesh” An “in-between” The Disciples’ Response - Mt 19:10
Divorce & Remarriage A WARNING !
Divorce & Remarriage CONCLUSION God’s laws on Marriage and Divorce are clear – marriage is for life, and can only be broken BECAUSE OF fornication – physical sexual intercourse – on the part of the other spouse, and even then it doesn’t have to be broken. But ONLY in that setting is marrying again allowed while the other spouse still lives.
Divorce & Remarriage