Higher RP3a [Technology]
Higher PC2 [School]
Mark scheme: Role play HIGHER Indicative Grade Mark 8/9 14-15 7 13 6 10-12 5 7-9 4 4-6 3- 1-3 The 5 utterances are marked separately for communication = 5 x 2 points. Knowledge / use of language (up to 5 points) is awarded overall.
Mark scheme: Photo card - HIGHER Indicative Grade Mark AQA criteria additional notes 8/9 14-15 The speaker replies to all questions clearly and develops most answers. He/she gives and explains an opinion. clearly means no ambiguity – needed for 14 or 15. Three of five questions developed. Both unprepared questions need to be answered clearly (with an unambiguous verb). 7 13 The speaker replies to all (or nearly all) questions clearly and develops most answers. He/she gives and explains an opinion. There could be one minor moment of ambiguity. Three of five questions developed. Answer both unprepared questions (although one could contain ambiguity) 6 10-12 The speaker replies to all or nearly all questions clearly and develops some answers. He/she gives and explains an opinion. Minor ambiguity allowed. 2 prepared Qs need 1++ development. At least 1 unprepared question need to be answered. 5 7-9 The speaker gives understandable replies to most questions and develops at least one answer. He/she gives an opinion. Permits 1/5 bullets not to be answered. 1+ development needed at least once. At least one opinion. 4 4-6 The speaker gives understandable replies to most questions but they may be short and/or repetitive. Permits 1/5 bullets not to be answered. All answers can be short / undeveloped / repetitive. 3- 1-3 The speaker replies to some questions but the answers are likely to be short and/or repetitive. 3/5 questions answered with short, repetitive utterances. These notes represent my interpretation of the markscheme. I realise that alternative interpretations are possible but I think that this will give us a useful starting point for our current assessment attempts.
indicative grade equivalent assessment criteria CONVERSATION descriptors Grade 9 [30/30] communication(10); range and accuracy (10); pronunciation and intonation (5); spontaneity and fluency (5) C - consistently developed responses; extended sequences of speech; narrates coherently; clear at all times; gives and explains opinions R&A - wide variety of linguistic structures; wide vocabulary; reference to past ,future and present is confident; a few minor errors and when complex structures and vocabulary attempted P&I - consistently good throughout S&F - reacts naturally; air of spontaneity; prompt responses; some fluency Grade 8 [26-29] Ofqual initiate and sustain detailed conversations manipulating language mostly accurately, expressing ideas and justifying opinions and responding effectively to unpredictable questions communication(9); range and accuracy (9); pronunciation and intonation (4-5); spontaneity and fluency (4-5) P&I - consistently good throughout (but see below for 4) S&F - reacts naturally; air of spontaneity; prompt responses; some fluency (but see descriptor below for 4) Grade 7 [22 – 25] communication(7-8); range and accuracy (7-8); pronunciation and intonation (4); spontaneity and fluency (4) C - regularly developed responses; extended sequences of speech; usually narrates events when asked; almost always clear; gives and explains opinions. R&A - very good language; some variety of linguistic structures; range of vocabulary; past, present and future generally successful; minor errors or when complex structures of vocabulary attempted P&I - good P and I with only occasional lapses S&F - very good exchange; usually reacts naturally; often spontaneous; usually responds promptly and some flow of language.
Grade 6 [16-21] communication(5-7); range and accuracy (5-7); pronunciation and intonation(3); spontaneity and fluency (3) C - develop some responses in extended sequences of speech; sometimes narrates events; usually conveys information clearly; giving and often explaining opinions (see above for 7 descriptor) R&A - good language; some attempts at more complex structures usually successful; past , present and future sometimes unsuccessful; minor errors and occasionally more serious ones; no real hindrance to communication (see above for 7 descriptor) P&I - generally good; some inconsistency in more challenging language S&F - good exchange; sometimes reacts naturally but at times depends on pre learnt language; sometimes hesitates, delivery generally reasonable pace Grade 5 [12-15] Overlap grade Ofqual develop conversations manipulating language with reasonable accuracy, expressing opinions and responding appropriately to unpredictable questions use generally accurate pronunciation and intonation communication(4-6); range and accuracy (4-6); pronunciation and intonation(2); spontaneity and fluency (2) C - usually gives short responses but occasionally gives extended; occasionally narrates briefly; usually clear but lacks clarity from time to time; opinions, some of which are explained (see above for 5-6) R&A - simple structures and vocabulary; some repetition; attempts to use more complex structures and vocabulary; some success with tenses; errors but do not impede comprehension. (see above for 5-6 descriptor) P&I - generally good but some inconsistency at times S&F - generally good exchange, some spontaneity but some reliance on pre learnt response; sometimes hesitates and may not be able to answer some questions Grade 4 [6 – 11] Overlap grade communication(2-4); range and accuracy (2-4); pronunciation and intonation(1); spontaneity and fluency (1) C - short responses but occasionally longer; only limited success with narration; a few occasions where unable to answer successfully or lacks clarity; gives opinions (but see above for 3-4 descriptor) R&A - simple structures and vocabulary; repetitive at times; limited success with tenses; frequent errors occasionally impeding comprehension (but see above for 3-4 descriptor) P&I - generally understandable with some intonation S&F - reasonable exchange with a little spontaneity; many pre-learnt responses; often hesitates; slow delivery
below Higher tier (Grade 3-) Y10 Summer Spanish Higher Speaking assessment points to grade conversions Total points – Role play [15] Photo card [15] + General conversation [30] = /60 Indicative grade (to be recorded on Progresso) 58-60 Grade 9 52-57 Grade 8 46-51 Grade 7 36 - 45 Grade 6 26 - 35 Grade 5 14 - 25 Grade 4 <14 below Higher tier (Grade 3-)