MANUALS READ THE MANUALS!! This training does not eliminate your requirement to read and reference the District and Campus Test Coordinator Manual, Test Security Supplement, the Test Administrator Manuals, and other applicable guidebooks (including online resources). READ THE MANUALS!!
2017 Test Administrator Manuals are now available on TEA’s website
Policy and Procedure Highlights and Changes SPRING 2017
Policy and Procedure Highlights
Policy and Procedure Highlights No longer STAAR-A or STAAR-L assessments Revamped testing accommodations Reduced # of questions on Gr 3-8 STAAR tests (except 4/7 Writing) Removal of Short Answer Responses on English I & II EOCs EOC Testing Dates (Summer) Confidential Student Reports eTrak and Test Portal Document Retention
Policy and Procedure Highlights STAAR-A and STAAR-L No Longer Available The new embedded accommodations and enhanced accessibility features in the online version of STAAR has eliminated the need for separate STAAR-A and STAAR-L test forms.
Policy and Procedure Highlights Revamped Testing Accommodations New structure and labels Accessibility Features Designated Supports Designated Supports Requiring TEA Approval X
Policy and Procedure Highlights Revamped Testing Accommodations Certain accommodations will be built into the STAAR Online Testing Platform for all STAAR tests. Students requiring testing accommodations will have personal needs and preferences (PNPs) that will activate designated accommodations in the online tests. T L C Text-to-Speech Language & Vocabulary Supports (Approx. 80%) Content Supports (Approx. 20%)
ELEMENTARY PROJECTED Raw Score Conversion Estimates for Spring 2017 STAAR Assessments (Based on PROPOSED Commissioner rule that would redefine performance standards on STAAR beginning in 2016-17) Max. Raw Score on 2017 Test Approaches Grade Level (formerly Level 11 2015-16 Std. Progression) Meets Grade Level (formerly Level 11-Final) Masters Grade Level (formerly Level 111) Scale Score Cutpoint %age of Items Correct in Spring 2016 ESTIMATED Raw Score in Spring 2017 Reading Grade 3 34 1345 53% 18 1468 75% 26 1555 85% 29 Grade 4 36 1434 55% 20 1550 77% 28 1633 86% 31 Grade 5 38 1470 57% 22 1582 76% 1667 87% 33 Math 32 1360 52% 17 1486 24 1596 89% 1467 50% 1589 73% 25 1670 83% 1500 48% 1625 72% 1724 Science 3550 59% 21 4000 80% 4402 91% Wr 54% 69% 4612 81% -6 -8 -8 -14 -14 -14 -8 +6
MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECTED Raw Score Conversion Estimates for Spring 2017 STAAR Assessments (Based on PROPOSED Commissioner rule that would redefine performance standards on STAAR beginning in 2016-17) Max. Raw Score on 2017 Test Approaches Grade Level (formerly Level 11 2015-16 Std. Progression) Meets Grade Level (formerly Level 11-Final) Masters Grade Level (formerly Level 111) Scale Score Cutpoint %age of Items Correct in Spring 2016 ESTIMATED Raw Score in Spring 2017 Reading Grade 6 40 1517 56% 23 1629 77% 31 1718 88% 35 Grade 7 42 1567 58% 25 1674 76% 32 1753 86% 36 Grade 8 44 1587 54% 24 1700 75% 33 1783 39 Math 38 1536 37% 14 1653 60% 1772 81% 1575 41% 17 1688 63% 1798 1595 46% 20 64% 27 1854 Alg I 54 3550 39% 21 4000 34 4333 78% Science 72% 30 4406 85% Social Studies 52% 73% 4268 83% 37 Wr 46 59% 4602 -8 -8 -8 -14 -14 -14 -12 -8
Policy and Procedure Highlights Removal of Short Answer Responses Beginning with the March 2017 administration, the short answer reading questions will be removed from the English I and English II assessments and replaced with multiple choice questions. This change is in an effort to better align with the STAAR grades 3–8 assessments, and does not affect the overall difficulty of the test, nor does it affect the passing standard.
Policy and Procedure Highlights EOC Testing Dates (Summer) In response to feedback received from districts, test dates for the summer administration of STAAR EOC assessments have shifted and are now scheduled for June 19-22, 2017.
Policy and Procedure Highlights Confidential Student Reports One combined report Grades 3-8 March, May and June grades 5, 8 Spring grades 3-8 EOC Spring administration December and June administrations Same data will be available in the Student Portal Includes STAAR or ELL Progress Measure where applicable
Policy and Procedure Highlights eTrak and Test Portal Developed by Renee, eTrak, the Assessment web page, can now be accessed through the Staff Links on KISD, through computers, iPads, iPhones, and android devices. Accessing the Assessment web page through KISD Connect is no longer necessary but is still possible. She has also developed a Test Portal link on eTrak that has specific links to testing information customized for each campus level.
Policy and Procedure Highlights Document Retention The Campus Test Coordinator testing folders on the secure server, \\kisdes04\staar will have a new look this school year. All documents for each administration will be scanned into one folder, with specific naming conventions. We hope this will save you and us time in scanning and verifying the documentation for each administration.