We are looking forward to a great year!


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Presentation transcript:

We are looking forward to a great year! Welcome to Fifth Grade! We are looking forward to a great year!

Introducing our Terrific Staff: Terry Bell Jessica Determann Jill Hilbert Katie Murphy Jessie Toth Sherri Curtis Gabby Hayes Diana McGowan Nick Serkes Towson University Interns: Katie Bezold, Lauren Dlugnoski, Christopher Kiggins

A Day in Fifth Grade Mrs. Determann’s Class Mrs. Hilbert’s Class Mr. Serkes’ Class Mrs. Bell’s Class 8:45-9:00 Arrival 9:00-10:15 Math Language Arts 10:15-11:00 Science Social Studies 11:00-12:00 Related Arts 12:00-1:00 Recess/Lunch 1:00-1:45 1:45-3:00 3:00-3:15 Homeroom 3:15-3:25 Stack & Pack 3:25 Dismissal

Arrival Unpacking Supplies Ordering Lunch Organizing Materials for the Day TRES Pledge Pledge of Allegiance Announcements

Math On Grade Level Place Value & Decimals Numerical Expressions & Patterns Fractions Measurement Geometry Problem Solving Above Grade Level & GT Number Systems Expression & Equations Ratio & Proportion Geometry Statistics & Probability

Language Arts Spelling Applied Spelling Authentic Spelling instruction in student writing No Spelling tests Vocabulary Building Vocabulary Greek and Latin Roots in multisyllabic words Writing Narrative Writing Opinion Writing Informational Writing Reading Informational Text Literary Text Integration of Multimedia Goal is to Increase in Writing and Reading Stamina Comprehension Narrative Writing Tasks Research Simulation Tasks Literary Analysis Tasks

Science & Health Health Social and Emotional Health Safety, First Aid, & Injury Prevention Puberty Education Violence, Tobacco, Alcohol, & Other Drugs Science Earth’s Systems Patterns in Space Structures and Properties of Matter Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

Social Studies The American Revolution Building A New Nation A Nation in Conflict We the People Simulated Congressional Hearing

Recess & Lunch 30 Minutes of Recess 30 Minutes of Lunch Free Seating Snack Students use their accounts

Emergency Drills Fire Drills Lockdowns Modified Locked Down Off Site Evacuation Reverse Evacuation Shelter in Place Duck, Cover, & Hold All drills are unannounced and will be practiced throughout the year. Everyone in the building participates including volunteers!

Assessments Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Used to measure reasoning and problem solving Data is used to help with placement in Middle School classes November 29, 30, and December 1 Website for more information- www.cogat.net Partnership For Assessment of Readiness of College And Careers (PARCC) Reading & Math Computer Based, measures progress year to year Reading and Math testing window is April - May Website for more information- http://www.hcpss.org/academics/testing/parcc/ Measure of Academic Progress (MAP testing) Computer Based, Individualized for each student Measures progress throughout the year and across years, Data used to aid instruction Tests will be throughout the year, first testing Sept. 27 & 28 Website for more information: http://www.hcpss.org/academics/testing/map-information/

Assessments Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) Assesses students understanding of Science objectives covered in 3rd-5th grade Computer Based Will be field tested in March Ongoing assessments to monitor student progress in class Writing On Demands Performance Based Assessment Tasks

Positive Behavioral Interventions And Supports Treasured Traits Caring Integrity Responsible Respect Treasure Tickets Retriever Rewards Behavior Charts Monthly Gold Coin Celebrations/Goal Setting Treasure Carts Monthly Awards

Fifth Grade Expectations Punctuality Positive Attitude Prepared for Class Participation in Class Activities Responsibility and Cooperation

Homework Maintain Agenda Book Math Due the Next Day Vocabulary is Due on Friday 40-60 Minutes a night Includes 20 Minutes of Reading Long Term Projects will follow timeline of due dates

Communication Agenda Books Phone Calls Emails Notes Friday Folders CANVAS Team Page- TRES Grade 5 Teacher Pages Conferences School website: http://.tres.hcpss.org

Fifth Grade Highlights Chorus, Band & Strings Safety Patrol Newseum Field Trip Research Project Philadelphia Field Trip Battle of the Books Simulated Congressional Hearing 5th Grade Picnic Closing Ceremony Jill

