Project Board Update UNDP Knowledge Management 2014-2017 Part 1 September 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Project Board Update UNDP Knowledge Management 2014-2017 Part 1 September 2016

Objectives PART 1 Present project activities since last Board meeting Present proposed 2016/17 work plan Budget and staffing situation Project Board decision points Approval of Project Report 2015 Approval of Work Plan 2016/17 Approval of added activities to project results framework

Key Activities conducted 1/2015 to 6/2016 (Budget: $220,000) K-products Development and Dissemination Process KM measurement framework Re-alignment of UNDP’s Knowledge Networks Transition from Teamworks to Yammer Public Online Dialogues and Consultations Support to Lessons Learned collection UNDP-wide Expertise Mapping

Improved K-products Development and Dissemination Process Introduced pipeline to track knowledge product development ( Tool gives overview of upcoming products and publications POPP 7-Steps QA procedure monitored more closely Pipeline used for ROAR and other corporate reporting End-of year report on knowledge products developed and disseminated to BPPS clusters Initiated improvements to global library of knowledge products and publications (with BERA) Revised library taxonomy in alignment with new BPPS taxonomy Introduced rating feature & pop-up survey for qualitative feedback to better understand quality and impact of UNDP products.

K-products Development and Dissemination Process – New Ratings Feature

K-products Development and Dissemination Process – Pop-up survey

KM Measurement Framework

KM Measurement Framework

KM Measurement Framework Developed range of metrics for KM in UNDP Started data collection for 2016 First report on indicators to be shared early 2017 Shared first set of new metrics on knowledge products via KM Update June 2016

Re-alignment of UNDP’s Knowledge Networks Launched new Knowledge Networks (KNNs) in Feb 2016 KNNs engage with around 10,000 members, internal and external to UNDP, and have responded to over 200 queries from Network members through facilitated and community-driven exchanges. The KNNs have run formal e-discussions, soliciting over 330 responses from internal and external experts and stakeholders on the topics of Preventing Violent Extremism, UNDP’s Strategy on HIV, Health and Development 2016-2021, BMS 15 Operational Challenges, and an Integrated DRR - CCA Mainstreaming Framework. Networks rely on facilitation capacity within Clusters (10% of a staff member’s time per network), and 1 full-time P3 position in DIG

Led Transition from Teamworks to Yammer ICT Governance Group decision of May 2015 to move UNDP’s internal peer networking function from Teamworks to Yammer (part of Microsoft Office 365) Technical platform change that continues the business function for corporate social networking established by Teamworks Cost savings (Yammer comes with MS Office 365 package) & integration Transition cost covered by Teamworks 2015/2016 budget Worked with BMS/OIMT on technical transition & change management Soft launch in Feb 2016 in conjunction with realigned Knowledge Networks Bilateral consultation with admins of over 800 Teamworks spaces and assistance on transition to Yammer Teamworks content to be migrated into UNDP intranet by end 2016 Guidance materials and training developed UNDP Yammer now engages over 8700 members, 596 groups, with over 39,000 total messages sent

Public Online Dialogues and Consultations An extension of Teamworks platform with highly customized interfaces has serviced large-scale public consultations Rio+ Online Dialogues World We Want 2015/2030 World Humanitarian Summit Consultations 2016 Urban Dialogues for Habitat III 2016 ECOSOC’s 2015 Annual Ministerial Review Online Consultation UNDESA’s e-Dialogue for 54th session of the Commission for Social Development Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security Syria Resilience Development Forum (RDF) “MY UNEA” (UN Environmental Assembly, UNEP) DIG generated cost-sharing revenues of $167,733 in 2015 from partners to implement above activities for them UNDP also hosted its own public consultations on SP areas: HIV, Health & Development Strategy 2016-2021 Integrated DRR & CCA Mainstreaming Framework

Support to Lessons Learned collection Introduced 2015 ROAR question to collect lessons from evaluations (thereby established technical foundation for lessons learned capture in Corporate Planning System) Commissioned review of programme lessons learned from ROAR and Decentralized Evaluations 2014 and 2015 that informed the SP MTR Introduced Lessons Learned requirement as part of Project Closure Process and in the Corporate Planning System Experimented with UNV Lessons Learned assignment to collect lessons learned from Country Office in Addis

UNDP-wide Expertise Mapping RBAP piloted custom-made Talent Map in Asia-Pacific region in 2015, capturing 189 staff profiles DIG exploring potential for global adoption of suitable solutions for expertise search Strong rationale for pursuing expertise mapping through off-the-shelf Microsoft tools that integrate with other business functions (e.g. Yammer networking, COSMOS service tracking)

Financial overview 1/2015 – 6/2016 Income Expenditure Purpose  2015   $220,000 XP allocation to KM in 2015 $12,750 Activity: KM advisory services to external partners $167,733 Revenue collected from UN agencies to implement Public Dialogues Transfer to BMS ICT Road Map project for implementation of Public Dialogues $48,600 Activity: Lessons Learned Database $43,602 Activity: Lessons Learned Capture $21,300 Activity: Knowledge products development and dissemination process $18,170 Activity: Knowledge Networking $54,915 Activity: Public Online Dialogues and Consultations $21,000 Activity: KM measurement framework $21,730 Project Management Support $3,374 Travel $3,650 Miscellaneous (Subscriptions, etc.) $400,483 $404,074 TOTAL -$3,591 Balance  2016 $43,968 Transfer of left-over funds from closed KM Project 2009-2012 $180,205 $83,180 Commitments to BMS ICT Road Map project for implementation of Public Dialogues $12,600 $97,025 $5,121 $522 $224,173 $25,725 Balance (Programmable for remainder of 2016)