7th Annual Audit & Risk Indaba VALUE FOR MONEY 7TH INDABA DECLARATION 2016
We the Practitioners in the field of Municipal Internal Audit, Risk Management Performance Management and Governance Services Declare:- On Internal Audit Advise Municipal Council to adopt the Internal Audit recommendations as resolutions Rigorous appointment of both Internal Auditors and Audit Committee members with requisite skill and effective performance management system involving relevant stakeholders (candidates should be subjected to screening). Declaration of interest process and vetting to be enforced for Auditors and AC members Cooling off period for A/C members who were officials or doing business with the municipality Approval and rigorous implementation of both internal audit and Audit committee Charter Consequence management to enforce accountability and Ethical conduct. Enforce regular engagements with the Audit Committee before the meetings (submission of the Internal Audit reports to the Audit committee on time) Encourage evaluation of audit committee members collectively/individually by the council and officials
We the Practitioners in the field of Municipal Internal Audit, Risk Management Performance Management and Governance Services Declare:- Risk Management Risk Management training to be extended to all levels in municipalities including Councillors, Management and all officials. Elevation of the Risk officers positions to a strategic level. Sector departments to be engaged on the development of the guiding circular for risk management and consequence management (SALGA, COGTA and NT). Alignment of strategic risk assessment process with the strategic plans of the municipality. Establishment of the standardised system that will encourage link the Risk Management, Internal Audit and Performance Management. Establishment of a risk forum through IMFO with a working committee.
On Performance Management We the Practitioners in the field of Municipal Internal Audit, Risk Management Performance Management and Governance Services Declare:- On Performance Management Inter-Governmental Relations must be improved and accelerated to the right level via premier’s office to ensure implementation committed projects by sector departments Administration and Political engagements with sector departments on community needs escalated to them must be properly monitored Municipality have to accelerate spending of grants so that performance information and financial information are align PMS to be elevated to the right level in the municipalities to ensure proper monitoring and evaluation with consequence management enforced. Municipalities must stick to their plans and stop being reactive. Deal with Disaster issues in a correct manner in compliance with the legislation National Treasury and CoGTA should strengthen their support on Municipal Planning
We the Practitioners in the field of Municipal Internal Audit, Risk Management Performance Management and Governance Services Declare:- Governance That those charged with governance set the tone at the top with respect Risk Management and related activities including (BCP & DRP) Internal Audit Responsibilities Performance Management and their role ICT Governance That council committees' terms of references be approved Council must on an annual basis review the performance of the governance structures. That regular reporting to council by all governance structures be enforced
Men and Women in Local Government with, Integrity and Courage
Thank You!