Impact of Western Juniper on Hillslope Hydrology: Steens Mountain, OR USDA-ARS Rangeland Research Unit Burns, OR USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Unit Boise, ID
Background 8.5 million acres in western juniper woodland 95% of the woodlands are 100 years old or less Juniper invasion results in Significant reductions in shrub/understory production and cover Reduced plant diversity Loss of wildlife habitat Increased erosion potential
Project Info Rainfall simulation plots were run on eight replicates of cut and uncut treatments.
Vegetation Response Cut plot Un-cut plot
Trough Water Cut plot Un-cut plot
Removing Juniper decreases runoff volume Photos
Removing Juniper reduces sheet erosion Photos
Conclusion Juniper invasion can result in a dramatic increase in runoff and erosion. The severity of erosion will likely be related to the loss of understory cover and the erosion potential of a site.
Questions? For more information contact: Jon Bates or Tony Svejcar, USDA-ARS Rangeland Scientists (541) 573-8900 or Fred Pierson USDA-ARS Research Hydrologist (208) 422-0700.