By: Jake Diaz and Gabe Banks China By: Jake Diaz and Gabe Banks
Chapter 1 Country and Continent The country of China is China. The continent of China is Asia.
Chapter 2 The Capital The capital of China, is Beijing. Beijing is the 2nd largest city in China. Beijing has been China’s capital for 800 years.
Chapter 3 The population China’s population is 1,349,911,000. China has the most people in the world.
Chapter 4 The language Chinese people speak Chinese and mandarin. The main language is mandarin.
Chapter 5 The Religion They believe in, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.
Chapter 6 The Government They have a president of there own. His name is Xi Jinping.
Chapter 7 The Arts The oldest arts in China are statues of Chinese soldiers. One tradition is they dress up on Chinese New Years Eve like dragons.
Chapter 8 The Economy The most popular jobs are farming and merchants.
Credits Books: The Great Wall of China and China Websites: NC Wise Owl / Britannica school
Chapter 9 Fun Facts Chinese money is called yauns. Xinjian is one of the most driest spots on earth. China is the world’s top producer in rice. Shanghai is China’s largest city. Human ancestors lived at least 400,000 years ago in china. People in China don’t go to school until they are 6. The big star on the flag means: “leaders of the Communist Party.” The 4 little stars mean: “groups of workers.”