ECOMM 2017 Maastricht Elisabeth Raser (BOKU),


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Presentation transcript:

Connecting transport and health – Promoting active mobility as a mean to improve liveable cities ECOMM 2017 Maastricht 2. 6. 2017 Elisabeth Raser (BOKU), Sandra Wegener, Mailin Gaupp-Berghausen on behalf of the PASTA* consortium *This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement No. 602604-2. The sole responsibility for the content of this webpage lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

AGENDA Healthy and walkable cities …!? Transport & Health: Benefit or harm? PASTA approach European cities: Strategies, challenges and barriers promoting active transport

Active & walkable cites…!? © Sebastian Philip / Mobility Agency Vienna © Schaub-Walzer / PID © Christian Fürthner/ Mobility Agency Vienna © Christian Fürthner / PID

Active & walkable cites…!? Foto: DPA Foto: DPA

Health: Physical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for death worldwide WHO recommends 150 minutes of physical activity per week (moderate) Source: Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group Only 1/3 of the European population is estimated to meet the minimum recommended levels of physical activity (by the WHO)

► High potential for active mobility (walking, cycling, PT) Transport: On average we spend 80 minutes per day in transit Approx. 50% of all trips are shorter than 5 km ► High potential for active mobility (walking, cycling, PT)

Transport & Health: Benefit or harm?

Estimated health impact of a mode shift to active modes MUELLER et al. 2015. Health impact assessment of active transportation: A systematic review. Prev Med, 76, 103-14.

PASTA project ( … focus is on systematic promotion of active mobility (AM) as an innovative approach to integrate physical activity into individuals’ everyday lives. Overall objectives: to promote, assess and analyse active mobility; to reduce sedentary behavior; to integrate physical activity as part of our daily routine; to link health and transport.

PASTA approach: Transport & health research 7 Case Study Cities Workshops & Interviews Key stakeholders from cities: transport & health Policies, strategies, challenges, barriers, factors of success Longitudinal survey General public (1.800 each city) Mobility diary, physical activity, accidents, air pollution. Good practice examples & Improved HEAT Outcome for the cities (politicians, planners, stakeholders)

HEAT – Health economic assessment tool for walking and cycling* Air Pollution Crashes If x people cycle a distance of y kilometers on most days, what is the economic value of the health benefits that occur as a result of the reduction in mortality due to their physical activity? * Cavill N., Kahlmeier S., Rutter H., Racioppi F., Oja P. (2008). Methodological Guideance on the economic appraisal of health effects related to walking and cycling: Summary. Economic assessment of transport infrastructure and policies. WHO

Seven European Case Study Cities (CSC) Modal Split Vienna Zurich Antwerp Barcelona Oerebro Rome London (Borough of Newham)

Correlation of walking share and population density

Measures promoting active mobility:

Strategies and policies

Infrastructure / physical environment

Social environment

Regulation and legislation

Addressed Modes: n=168 Initiating and promoting: n=297

Enabling factors: Barriers: Political will, often tied with a powerful politician Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP), Cycling or walking concepts Barriers: Missing political will (fear to loose car drivers votes) Missing collaborations ‘Non-cycling culture’ – lack of public awareness and communication

Visions & wishes in cities Enable active mobility by a suitable and safe environment; Better infrastructure and more space for walking and cycling (pedestrian zones, cycling network etc.); Dense and high quality neighborhoods; Reduction of motorized traffic; Focus urban planning on creating livable spaces.

Longitudinal online survey Online Nov. 2014 – Dec. 2016 Core Module and various add-ons (crashes, air pollution, tracking) More than 12.800 registered users (~1.800 per city) Up 52 questionnaires in a row ~ 980 participants filled in 20 questionnaires and more (1 Year) More than 48.000 completely reported trips (trip diary)

Car drivers are 4 kg heavier than cyclists Cofounders: age, gender, city, HH income, education level, day of moderate leisure activity, …

Information and contact: Website: Twitter: @EUPASTA Newsletter: sign up by visiting our website E-mail: PASTA Final Conference & ICC: 19. – 21. 09. 2017, Mannheim

Thanks for your attention! Elisabeth Raser Dipl.-Ing. Institute for Transport Studies University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) A-1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 Tel. +43-1 / 47654-85620 Fax +43-1 / 47654-85609