Advanced Placement Programs of Excellence A SCPS Signature Program
C.L.A.S.S English Science Mathematics Social Studies World Languages Fine Arts C.L.A.S.S Palmer Hayden Arts and Humanities Scholar Sir Isaac Newton Science and Math Scholar James Farmer Global Studies Scholar Thomas Jefferson Linguistics Scholar
The AP Programs of Excellence: Benefits to You Experience with university-level coursework while still in high school Chance to qualify for scholarships Earn university credit and fulfill requirements Save time and money Increase your academic options (explore double major, study abroad) Place into higher-level college coursework With AP, students get recognized and universities find the kinds of students they are looking for.
AP Programs of Excellence APDS Advanced Placement Distinguished Scholars APDS Advanced Placement Distinguished Scholars APID Advanced Placement International Diploma APID Advanced Placement International Diploma Global Studies STEM Arts and Humanities Linguistic Studies
APDS Aligned with the College Board’s nationwide Advanced Placement Program APDS 4 content specific concentration areas Global Studies STEM Arts and Humanities Linguistic Studies Each concentration requires Successful completion of a focused service-learning program Completion of 6 or more AP courses and exams - 4 in core subject area 2 electives
Courses for APPX Concentration Areas SCPS - AP Program of Excellence (APPX): AP Distinguished Scholars (APDS) Concentration Areas Notes: * Excludes Latin **Includes Latin Elective courses offer students an opportunity to recognize their strengths, work as a team and assess their own performance; but their value is further enhanced when teachers can align electives projects with concepts being taught in core classes. Such alignment encourages core subject and elective teachers to emphasize collaboration and to complement one another to maximize student learning. Courses for APPX Concentration Areas James Farmer Global Studies Sir Isaac Newton Math/Science (STEM) Palmer Hayden Arts and Humanities Thomas Jefferson Linguistics Scholar Required Courses AP World History AP US History AP Government/AP Comparative Government AP Statistics AP Calculus (AB or BC) AP Physics -OR- [Physics and AP Science Choice] AP English 11 AP English 12 AP Art History or AP Music AP World Language* Select at least 1 AP Math Choice AP Science Choice AP Social Studies Choice Select at least 2 AP Psychology AP Macro Economics AP Micro Economics AP European History AP Human Geography AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Computer Science AP Music Theory AP Art 2-D AP Art 3-D AP Drawing AP Latin AP Art Theory AP World Language Choice**
APID Advanced Placement International Diploma Successful completion of: 6 AP courses and exams 2 AP exams from 2 different languages selected from English and/or world languages 1 AP exam designated as offering a global perspective 1 exam from the science/math area 1 (or 2) additional exam(s) from any content area EXCEPT English and/or World Languages *****The student must indicate on at least on AP exam answer sheet that the results should be sent to a university outside of the U.S.*****
C.L.A.S.S. PROJECT Community Leadership and Service above Self Project Required for all students in AP Programs of Excellence assists students in demonstrating leadership potential in their focus area Aids the student in making a difference locally or globally Facilitates student growth Complete 50 hour service-learning project which addresses or augments a social issue locally or globally Must be aligned with concentration area Partner with Learn and Serve and iEarn
For more information… Check out the NSHS Website!! Look under the “Signature Programs” and find “APPX.” All course requirements are attached there. Also, you can find the Registration Agreement and the APPX Brochure! We can’t wait to have you in our program next year .
C.L.A.S.S. The student will submit a summary, reflection, and portfolio of the project no later that the first week of the student’s senior year