Who were the great minds behind the scientific revolution? Aatu Jäntti, Jaakko Laiho, Jussi Sokkanen
through the Scientific Revolution.. Religion clashed with religion Religion clashed with science Astrology (prophesy) clashed with the science of astronomy New, scientific thought, was accomplished Science took huge leaps forward Mathematics had to be calculated by hand..
Johannes Kepler Johannes Kepler is a key player in the field of astronomy and mathematics in the late 16th century. He lived rather early, from 1571 to 1630, when we think about the Scientific Revolution. Kepler was a religious man, an unorthodox Protestant. He tried to find evidence of Gods work in the universe. He thought that god had a plan in everything and it could be seen mathematically. He revolutionized astronomy by his two planetary laws: that the planets travel in elliptical orbits and that they sweep out equal areas of their orbits in equal times. Refutes his work to Copernicus and Tycho Brahe
Some more.. Kepler proofed mathematically John Napier's use of logarithms, which was used until calculators became usual in 1970, so over 300 years. Physics and astronomy had been separated for two thousand years before Kepler made an incredible leap to put the two together. Johannes Kepler is perhaps the least known figure in the Scientific Revolution as he relied on mysticism and religion alot. But he paved the way for Newtonian breakthrough He even wrote science fiction story about travelling to the moon. Somnium, or Dream tells quite accurate prediction of lunar journey, which reveals Johannes Keplers incredible physical intuition.
Founder of modern science Isaac Newton Founder of modern science
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) English mathematician and physicist during 17th and 18th centuries. Greatest achievements: Theory of calculus Three laws of motion Universal law of motion Opticks; theory of light, diffraction of light
In Newton's Principia he provides a new revolutionary mathematical description of the Universe, thus proving Kopernikus' heliosentric view of our solar system correct. With his revolutionary work Newton created the foundation of modern science. Isaac Newton was also a politician, Master of the Mint and he redesigned telescope.
Conclusion Scientific revolution was a turning point in how we observe and investigate our world and the Universe. People started to question the church and the religion as an absolute truth. Scientific revolution paved the way for the Enlightement.
Sources http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/kepler/summary.html http://www.famousscientists.org/johannes-kepler/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/timelines/zwwgcdm http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Newton.html