Status of ULE-HPGe Experiment for WIMP Search in YangYang Li Jin July 2006
Motivation Current weapon: 5g prototype Ge detector 5g Ge 1cpd Current weapon: 5g prototype Ge detector 16.94kg CsI(Tl) veto detector Expected threshold: ~100eV Target
Current System Setup ULE - HPGe detector FADC & VME crate H.V. (CEAN 1527) Amp. (CANBERRA 2026) HPGe: -500V CsI(Tl): -1300V Shaping time: 6us Gain: ×20
System Schematic Diagram Typical signals: HPGe High gain (0~9keV) HPGe Low gain (0~100keV) CsI(Tl) channel (current signal)
HPGe Calibration – high gain channel Peaks: Ta, Ca, Cs, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu X-ray After gain correction and pedestal shift correction
HPGe Calibration – low gain channel Peaks: Np (L X-ray), Ag (K X-ray), Am (alpha decay gamma)
CsI Calibration Gamma energy: Cd-109 (Ag X-ray): 22.577 keV Am-241: 59.5412 keV U-238 (Th-234): 92.6 keV Co-57: 123.66 keV
Time coincidence between HPGe and CsI CsI noise reduction Time coincidence between HPGe and CsI PSD parameter: Threshold ~ 10keV Veto condition Red: background file, Green: neutron file, Blue: Gamma file
Background and Threshold Still far from expected…
Background level Average background level ~ 40 cpd Energy region: threshold(300eV) ~ 100keV Blue: after veto, Red: before veto Average background level ~ 40 cpd Average veto efficiency ~ 60%
Veto Efficiency Main origin of background: neutron Energy region: threshold(300eV) ~ 100keV (1keV/bin) Blue: gamma files, Green: neutron files, Red: background files Main origin of background: neutron
Neutron background study by Monte Carlo Simulation
Energy of Neutron Source Source :The spectrum of neutron in laboratory (same Cf252) Position: top of Pb Shielding
Energy deposited in Ge Detector Electron and positron energy Recoil energy of Ge * 0.25
Energy deposited in Ge Detector 300eV to 100KeV Most events are below 10KeV and Decrease very fast !
VETO efficiency of Cs Dtector The threshold is 20KeV Efficiency is 100% while energy higher 10KeV Efficiency is lower than 30% when energy below 10KeV
The comparison between simulation and data Simulation results The neutron background mainly Below 5KeV ,consists with data Experimental data
PSD – two shaping time Parameter: Background spectrum PSD efficiency Eth ~ 50eV improvement
Noise level & distribution Noise level ~ 105 eV (FWHM) Assumptions: Pedestal events are all generated by electronics, independent of the detector. Detector mass: 5g 1kg (200 times) Predicted threshold: 230eV (70eV improvement)
Ge Detector characteristic peaks Previous result: 1.3keV, 10.3keV Current result: 0.923keV, 10.08keV Ge characteristic X-ray: K series ~ 10.089keV, L series ~ 1.209keV Cu characteristic X-ray: K series ~ 8.905keV, 8.042keV, L series ~ 0.948keV F characteristic X-ray: K series ~ 0.677keV
Neutron Experiment Relics
Summary Detector mass: 5 g (Ge) Background level: 40 cpd Threshold: 300 eV Veto-efficiency: 60% Measured noise level: 107.6 eV (FWHM) The main origin of background may be the neutron from environment based on the simulation study.
Plan in the future… Accumulate more background data physics result Increase the mass of detector(5g 20g) Internal radiation study & neutron recoil experiment Monte-Carlo simulation for neutron and gamma background Neutron shielding
Calibration Energy 1.7KeV The Ta characteristic X-ray comes from X-ray generator itself. The generator uses a kind of Pyroelectric crystal, LiTaO3, as the target and accelerate electrons. When measured spectrum using the X-ray generator there is a 1.7keV energy peak. Among all the possible materials in experiment devices, the M-series X-ray of Ta is the only found and known material that accords to the about 1.7keV peak in measured spectrums. So 1.7eV is assumed to be Ta M-series X-ray and used for calibration.
The electronics fot 20g detectror