Debate on Labor Relations in Wallonia AMCHAM Belgium HEC School of Management of ULg. – 2nd October 2014 “Overview of Labor Relations in Belgium” Prof. Dr. Frédéric SCHOENAERS Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales University of Liège
Introduction Quick overview of the Belgian labor relations context Institutional specific aspects Some numbers Quick overview of some sociological issues/enigmas/stakes/questions regarding labor relations in Belgium
Context : Belgium as a pillarized society Belgium as a “consociational” democracy Pillarized society : confessional pillar (Christian) versus non confessional or “lay” pillar (socialist / liberal) schools, hospitals, trade unions, mutuality's, etc. Decentralized (weak?) State : federal level, regional level, community level (+ Province and municipal level) Elites (from the “pillars”) are responsible to build “consensus” (participation in the decision making processes of diverse entities such as Social Security, school councils, hospital councils, etc.)
Context : interesting aspects in terms of « political » sociology For what the labor relation field concerns: Collective bargaining at three levels: National (intersectorial collective agreement every two years), sectorial level (sectoral applied agreement), company level (three potential instances: Committee for Prevention and Protection at the Workplace if at least 50 workers; Trade Union Delegation representing unionized workers; the Works Council compulsory from 100 workers) Tripartite policy concertation (State – Trade Unions – Employer Organizations) into two main entities: Central Economic Council National Labor Council global trends defined at a “centralized” level! (other levels = refining global decisions)
Context: some numbers… Trade unions density: 52% Employer organization density : 76% Collective bargaining coverage: 96% (extension principle!) Number of working days lost due to strikes: 2013: 200500 days (50% in industry, 75% by males, 66% blue collar) 2012: 320000 days wages increase margin frozen by government!
Context: some numbers… Three main trade unions: Confederation of Christian Trade Unions: 1,7 million members Belgian General Fedration of Labor: 1,3 million members Federation of Liberal Trade Unions of Belgium: 250000 membres Social elections every four years (+/- 70% participation)
Sociological issues/trends/questioning Managing the human factor Work as a secondary element for identity construction (work : from central value to means…) Work = middle: Money (to do something else… no investment/motivation for work content) High expectation over work: personal development, autonomy, responsibilities, etc. Paradox “Y generation” or “Y culture”?
Sociological issues/trends/questioning A society without workers? Finance economy (neo-liberalism) Globalization + digitalization, automation, robotization Competitiveness and productivity gains Heavy downcising trend No consumers more? A need for new work distribution?
Sociological issues/trends/questioning Justice/law: Important element for labor relation : regulation aspect (Europeanization!) strike right versus working right (emblematic decisions!) Obligation of (psychosocial-)risk management/prevention Example : burn out in Belgian law since a few weeks
Sociological issues/trends/questioning Individualizing society: Global trend in our western societies: decline of Integrative institutions (family, religion, work, school) TV, PC, etc. = Example: Indivudialized HRM No more class conflict: Marxism is dead? “Service” unionism : a good way to recruit members… (not more interested in global class conflict) Defense of “category” interests Less global pressure but increased local pressure?