Session 171441 1:00 – 1:50 iPad Academy 11AB iPad Projects That Wow Session 171441 1:00 – 1:50 iPad Academy 11AB
iPad Projects That Wow Carol Mayo Coordinator of Professional Development Diocese of Dallas Mary Kuterbach Instructional Technology Specialist St. Patrick Catholic Diocese of Dallas
5 Projects 5 Apps iPhone App
When we first created this workshop for our teachers, we had three requirements: One that the app had to be free Two that the app didn’t need a student account Three that the finished product could be saved to the camera roll on the iPad
Project 1 Research Paper You will be creating your research paper on your person who you have selected using Shadow Puppet Edu
Add Text to any slide that you want text Can add music Can speak on any slide Can undo on the current slide and rerecord that slide Must start “recording” from first slide even if not speaking (mute mic) Save Multiple options of where to save If you just click done, saves to Camera Roll If using web photos through search, citations will be added after being saved Create New Select photos Inappropriate search will display bunnies Arrange photos Add Text to any slide that you want text Can add music Music only or music and voice Must make this decision at the start Entire presentation
Project 2 30 Second Commercial You will be using Sock Puppets to create a 30 second commercial for the invention, performance, or service your person supplied Great How To source:
Puppet that is selected will be the one talking Select Background Select Props & Scenery Some can be moved others are stationary Puppet that is selected will be the one talking Can pinch to size, can move, can flip left and right Can pause recording Keeps time in upper left corner Share icon, name video To be ale to save to your iPad you need to go to the store and “purchase” the add on at the big cost of $0 Under Settings you can change the pitch of the individual puppets Limited to 30 seconds New Select Characters May have up to 4
Project 3 Create a Talking Inanimate Object You will take an item that is associated with your person and you will bring them to life You will use Yakit Kids for this project
Mouth, face, talking character, special effects, and props Can change order, flip Record, select which mouth is talking 15 second time limit Delete, edit, re-record, change pitch, add scene Save to camera roll or more Yakit Kids as opposed to Yakit iPhone App Start New Take, select, or web search for a photo We were unable to get the search web feature to work
Project 4 One-Sided Multi-Flow Thinking Map You will create a one-side multi-flow Thinking map concerning an event that your person was responsible for in history You will show the effects of that event You will use Popplet Lite for this project
Can add additional frames Resize frame Can add additional frames View All or make sure what you want is on screen Export as jpg Will save to camera roll Do not use a lot of text, when saved as jpg gets very small Only 1 Popplet at a time Tap on screen Frame color Text Change alignment and size Pen to draw, color options Picture option
Project 5 Trading Card You will create a trading card for your person You will use Trading Cards for this project
Guiding Questions for each prompt Character limit of 120 Front and back of card Choice of card design/color Share it or Keep it We found it difficult to project finished project from camera roll because of size of font Much better to have them use during a presentation Read Write Think App Also web site Create user or choose your name Create New Card Title Card Select card type Each card type has different prompts
Session Evaluation Please take the time to complete the evaluation for this session! Session 171441 iPad Sessions That Wow Mary Kuterbach & Carol Mayo