Adviser: Ming-Puu Chen Presenter: Li-Chun Wang A comparison of the misconceptions about the time-efficiency of algorithms by various profiles of computer-programming students Adviser: Ming-Puu Chen Presenter: Li-Chun Wang Őzdener, N. (2008). A comparison of the misconceptions about the time-efficiency of algorithms by various profiles of computer-programming students. Computers & Education, 51, 1094-1102.
Abstract Purpose: This study focuses on how students in vocational high schools and universities interpret the algorithms in structural computer programming that concerns time-efficiency. Results: The findings of this study slightly stress that the students have misconceptions about algorithms. Students in high schools and in computer education and instructional education departments have the same observed misconceptions, while mathematics education students are better at interpreting the misconceptions.
Introduction Students’ successes with programming languages are based on such prerequisites as the courses taken, their technical skills, and their enthusiasm for programming, factors which are relevant to their cognitive and behavioral accomplishments. Computer programmers need to be skilled at problem solving and critical thinking (Hudak & Anderson, 1990). White and Sivitanides (2003) found that Mathematics education has effects on structural computer programming and object-based computer programming and that mathematical knowledge makes a positive contribution to these Taylor and Monnfield (1991) found a positive correlation between the level of mathematical knowledge and achievement in structural programming.
Introduction Problem solving depends on knowing how to analyze problems and then plan their solutions. Introduction to computer-language courses should teach how to build skills in the algorithmic approach to programming as well as problem analysis and solution (Gilmore, 1990) Ginat (2001) stressed that the same approach in programming courses is not only repetitive, but also that they could not teach more than the memorization of the commands basic to the handling of the variations in each programming language. Algorithm efficiency is a fundamental computer-science concept encapsulating the core topic of algorithm complexity. Gal-Ezer and Zur (2004) found that most high-school students have a misconception of the concept of efficiency in algorithms.
The common basic misconceptions A shorter program is more efficient. The fewer variables, the more time-efficient the program.
Results Hypothesis 1. Anatolian Technical High School and Technical High School students who have studied computer-programming language have misconceptions regarding the concept of the time-efficiency of algorithms. 6
Results Hypothesis 2. Significant differences exist between the misconceptions about of the time-efficiency of algorithms held by Anatolian Technical High School students and those held by students at Technical High School who have studied particular subjects.
Results Hypothesis 3. Misconceptions about algorithms obtained at the high school level remain at the university level. 8
Results Hypothesis 4. Significant differences exist between the misconceptions about the concept of the time-efficiency of algorithms held by CEIT students and those held by SEMT students. 9
Discussion and conclusions This study has shown that most of the students from both the high school and university working groups have misconceptions about time-efficiency in algorithms These misconceptions being that - less syntax and fewer commands in programs’ algorithms reduce the execution time, - and that programs with fewer variables need less execution time. Mathematical and algorithmic thinking modes overlap in many ways, such as formula manipulation, representation, reduction to a simpler problem, abstract reasoning, and generalization. In computer-programming education it is not important to teach a large amount of programming language. Instead, it is important to teach how to use programming effectively.