Computer Programming Career Opportunities
What kind of career do you want? When choosing a career, there are many factors to consider- What do I like to do? How much money do I want/need? Where I want to live? What kind of conditions do I want to work in? Trade & Industrial Education
Once you choose a career, what next? Some things that are important to know about your chosen career are- Is college or technical training required? Are there certifications for that type of work? Where can I look for jobs in that career? Trade & Industrial Education
Do some research You can find the answers to some of your questions by looking up general job descriptions online. You can look at specific job openings by going to a company website, or job websites. Newspapers and newspaper websites also list specific job openings and requirements. Trade & Industrial Education
On the web Many companies have an ‘employment’ section on their website. It may also be under a ‘Human Resources’ link. Companies may also post job openings with newspapers or job search companies. Trade & Industrial Education
Job search sites Some job search sites require you to register information before starting your search. Be sure to use any tools that the site offers to narrow your job search. You may not be interested in a job in Siberia. As you spend time looking at different job opportunities, you will become familiar with the job requirements. Some ads even include pay ranges and benefits. Trade & Industrial Education
Networking One of the most common and reliable ways to find work is through ‘word of mouth.’ Sometimes job ads in the newspaper do not represent actual job openings, but the company is just checking out the demand for jobs. Tell your friends the type of job you are looking for, and ask them to spread the word. Be sure to check back with them. Trade & Industrial Education
Certification Certification is common in skilled and professional careers to ensure that the certified person has demonstrated the proper level of understanding. Certification usually requires passing a test, and may also require spending a specified amount of time working in a certain job. Trade & Industrial Education
Who offers certification? Professional organizations offer certification to ensure high standards. This includes plumbers, lawyers, morticians, electricians, and others. Companies may offer certification to ensure that their product or service is used correctly. Trade & Industrial Education
Do 3 things now Show that you have followed this presentation by: Finding a job opening at a company website; Finding a job opening in a newspaper or a job search website; Looking up any form of certification. Be ready to tell what the name of the certification is and what career it is used for. Trade & Industrial Education