Why is good product and service design important? Good design satisfies the customers. Good design communicates the purpose of product or service to its market. Good design bring financial rewards to the business. Using design reduces the cost. Main objective of a good design? Meet customer’s needs and satisfy them. Explain the three aspects of products and services or what is designed in a product or service?, three aspects that is designed in products or services. Concept - the nature, use and value of services or products. Package – the components of products and services. Process - the way in which component products and services will be created and delivered.
Difference between core products/services and supporting products and services. Some of the products or services in the package are core or very important, therefore we call them core products and services. For example food and drink in the restaurant is core as we cannot remove them. Supporting goods and services are enhance or support the core product and services. For example the decor or uniform in a restaurant. Objectives of designing ? Quality Speed Dependability Flexibility Cost Name 5 transforming resources in operaitons. Staff Machines Operational managers Software such as CAD( Computer aided design) Simulation packages
Stages of design process. Page 123,124 Explain the idea of ‘customers design their own services’. Page 125 main idea customers are given importance position in the development of products and services. Reverse engineering Taking apart or testing the products or service based on the competitor’s product or service to understand how it has been made. R& D The function that developes new knowledge and develops new products and services. Design Funnel A process model where a single final design is selected from different options.
How to handle the cost factor when the variety is high? Standardization is the best solution for reducing the cost if the variety is high. Examples garment industry S,M,L, XL QFD(QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT) PAGE 133 What are the techniques for design evaluation? Page 133 Explain house of quality or voice of customer . This technique is used by Toyota, Mitsubushi and this methods tries to understand what customer needs and how to achieve it. Explain the procedures for value engineering. Purpose Basic function secondary function