Building Value
Building Value Group Exercise “What data do we need to collect from “Lufthansa” to build and ROI calculation for their service deployment” 15 minutes
Building Value – Service Campaign Volumes: Website Visitors (unique) Calls Chats E Mails Productive Labour Hours (by channel) Mobile App MAU* Social Contacts Offline Contacts *Monthly active users Percentile and £ Value: FCR Rate (by channel/enquiry group) Contact Per Hour (by channel) Labour Rate (loaded) Web / Mobile traffic % C Sat / NPS Incumbent Technology Cost Average Handle Time (by channel)
Example Service ROI Data Collection Sheet
Building Value – ROI Calculator
The Vision Customers already prefer messaging
The Vision Scale of immediate future
The Messaging Difference A New Generation of Customer Care Professionals Time back to consumer and CCP A focus on relationships Conversations last hours, with several short interactions Asynchronous – message at your convenience Over time, Messaging is more efficient than Voice and Chat Remove the word concurrent Taking away the dependency on the other party Staffing peaks / troughs – definitely need the visual Non interactive is not an issue – time spent wasted checking if someone is there Waiting on the other person – strung out conversations, not efficient Messaging is actually more efficient than chat, voice and email – no dependency
Summary Projection Value Vision Value Technically deliverable today, trusted and proven Based on customer data, more robust and holds up to scrutiny Moving customer from most expensive channel to more efficient channel 6 – 8 weeks Vision Value Technically deliverable today, LiveEngage only market ready scalable/secure solution with several customers live Solution for where the customer is today but brands need to plan for it Is proving to be several times more efficient than voice, e mail, social and chat
Value Assets Partner Portal Collection Data sheets Competitor defence sheets Value presentations Your team of experts ROI calculator – with PM or AE
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