The Question I asked Jim Karygiannis: Are you going to make the rules the same for both taxis and Uber?
Jim Karygiannis responded: “I say they HAVE to make legislation the same for both but much more needs to be done.”
Uber is also known as PTC Uber is also known as PTC. What does PTC stand for and what does a PTC vehicle do? Before I tell you what PTC is I have to tell you what it stands for; it stands for Private Transportation Company. A PTC connects passengers with drivers of private vehicles through an “APP". Through that APP, the private driver arranges to pick up the passenger. ". ".
Uber (also known as PTC) Good facts: - Uber is a very reliable company. - Uber is very popular. - Instead of having to drive your own car while drinking you could just get Uber. - Uber has cheaper options such as uberpool where you can split the cost with someone else. Bad facts Don’t have a camera inside the car so you can’t see what happens in the car. Also there needs to be a little more work put in their driver screening. Uber sometimes scams people by making the route longer so they could get money.
Taxis Good facts - They have cameras in their car so they’re safe with both passenger and driver. - Have been a very reliable service for a long time. - If a passenger forgets an item in the car and calls the taxi company, they will track the car down so they can find the item. Bad facts - Taxis sometimes makes the route longer just to get more money. - Sometimes have to buy your own car instead of company giving you a car. - The cars may not be as nice as Uber cars - Some people say they drive too fast
What my parent said: “I would prefer to use taxis because I’m not sharing a ride with anyone so it feels more safe to me (because of camera) and if I lose something in the car, the taxi company will track down the car.”
Analysis My opinion is -- they should make rules the same for both companies, taxis and Uber. Uber seems to get away with so much more than taxis. I wonder if Uber will survive if the rules become the same for both? I also wonder if taxis will be out of business in the future as more and more young people seem to go with Uber.
My solution is… Very easy – the rules should be the same for both. Uber should be putting cameras in every single car.
My next steps My next step is to contact Diamond taxicab Dispatch Service. For taxis and for Uber I would like to contact www.driveuber. I might also take a ride in a taxi and then a ride in Uber and compare the two experiences.
Political cartoon
Another political cartoon Are you ready Mr. Karygiannis??
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