Forest fire protection in Poland and Europe
Content Forest in Europe Causes od fire cause by Human Causes od fire cause by Nature The effects of fire I II III Prevention Bibliography Thank You
Forest in Europe Forests take around 30% of World’s area, but in Europe it’s 32,2% (not including forests in Russia). Conifers Forests-76% Dociduous Forests-19% Mixed Forests-5% The highest level of forestation has got Finland (around 69% area of the country).
Causes of forest fires cause by human One of the most important causes of forests fires is the carelessness of people for example, they don’t suppress outbreaks until the end of fire. The fires also arise during failure of electrical lines and means of road transport. There are also fires that are caused by arson. Another cause is throwing in the determination of the garbage that can catch fire as a result of environmental factors.
Causes of forest fires cause by nature Lightning can also be the cause of the fire, however, in Poland, it is rare. The natural cause of fires is heat, and in continue its set on a fire, by the Sun. Also Vulcano eruption can be the most destructive cause of wild fire Thunder is the most common cause of fire
The effects of fires It is the biggest danger to the forest. It disturbs the ecosystem. It is a big disaster. Fires leads to the drop in biodiversity. Lots of animals die, plants are damaged. Animals lose their habitats. It means that they will have no place to live. Extinction-prone species die, so we will lose them. Then, we must create new unnatural ways to breed this animals. It hepls in biotechnology’s development.
While the forest burns, smoke taints air While the forest burns, smoke taints air. Smoke consists of toxic hydrocarbons. It is carcinogenic for humans. It also damages the plants. Smoke makes it impossible for the bees to pollinate flowers. Then, crops are reduced. Fire takes away Homes from Humans and other animals , and usually thereupon this endemic species can became extintct .
Also fires cut down minerals in soil Also fires cut down minerals in soil. It brings only crack insoil, which contributes to soil erosion. The biggest problem is when tree burn up. Trees can be replanted but it takes years. We need trees since they make a lot of oxygen, which we breathe in. Without oxygen, we can’t live. Also, trees consume 150t of carbon dioxide.
Prevention Create a Safe Campfires Camping in designed places Keep clean our forest Burning up Fireworks in safe place No smoking Cigaretes in forest Calling Emergency if you are witness of small fires Educating in school by firefighters
Bibliography forest-clipart-1920x1080_1920-1080.jpeg content/uploads/2016/12/fire.jpg extensive.jpg 7db84e602bcd/wild_fire.jpg__800x600_q85_crop.jpg more/w17_482742860/main_900.jpg?1439925978 keep-clean-forest-Signboard-of-rabbit-s-picture-in-forest-Stock-Photo.jpg content/uploads/fse-banner-1.jpg
THANK YOU! Chrobry high school in Gniezno, Poland - Agnieszka Domagalska -Alicja Roztocka -Mikołaj Nowak (medical class 1B).