Neutrino Platform Proximity Cryogenics 68th EHN1 Cryogenics Integration TE-CRG 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
LAr Purifier regeneration infrastructure External cryogenics layout Contents IT4200 status Control system LAr Purifier regeneration infrastructure External cryogenics layout Platforms 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Milestones for NP-02/NP-04 IT4200 status Milestones for NP-02/NP-04 Engineering wk15/2017 through wk37/2017 Manufacturing wk27/2017 through wk50/2017 Installation NP-04 wk45/2017 through wk02/2018 Installation NP-02 wk47/2017 through wk04/2018 Achievements Preliminary design review first 4 boxes for NP-01 wk06/2017 Risks and changes Platforms: definition of valve box size for NP-02/04 Short term focus Detail engineering for NP-01 valve boxes Preliminary engineering for NP-03-40-F1 ( impact on NP-02/04) 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Preliminary definition of racks requirements Control system Preliminary definition of racks requirements Preliminary definition of cabling requirements Analysis of component lists Preparation of interface control documents and drawings dedicated to specify : Cabling Campaign 3 ( long cables from racks to field boxes) Cable trays Cabling Campaing 4 ( short cables from field boxes to instrum.) 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Preliminary definition of racks requirements Control system Preliminary definition of racks requirements 9 racks for NP02 and 9 racks for NP04: 2 racks dedicated to 400/230VAC Power distribution 1 rack dedicated to 24V Power distribution 1 rack dedicated to Safety Chain Converters 2 racks for the DI/DO interface 2 racks for the AI/AO interfaces 1 racks for the control devices (plc, cards, couplers) 1 rack to control external devices added to NP02 cabinet 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Preliminary definition of cabling requirements 2 phases cabling: Control system Preliminary definition of cabling requirements 2 phases cabling: Ph1 during Cabling Campaign 3: Sept-Oct 2017 (NE48 cables from cabinet to field boxes) Ph2 during Cabling Campaign 4: Jan-Feb 2018 (cables from field boxes to instrumentation) Detail: Estimated 50 NE48 cables for NP02 and 50 NE48 cables for NP04 Defining the usage of connectors(with Nicolas Vauthier) for the cables to pull between field boxes and instrumentation with the goal to be as fast as possible in the cabling when the valve boxes will be installed 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
LAr purifier regeneration infrastructure Study to purchase Gas mixer to provide GAr/H2 up to 180m3/h with selectable 0.5 -2.5% Hydrogen ratio Benefits: No need of ordering, handling, storing and refilling 14 bottle batteries Flexibility during proximity cryogenics commissioning activities Cost reduction after 6 regeneration operations Scheduled 4 purifier activation Scheduled 2 to 4 purifier regeneration ( subject to supply contamination) Impact: Implementation together with HSE and FGSO of external cage with flammable gas qualification Dedicated LAr tank and vaporizer for the supply of argon 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
LAr purifier regeneration infrastructure CERN requirements: Mixer capable to work from 0.5% to 2.5% of Argon/Hydrogen volumetric concentration Volumetric flow of 180 nm3/h The machine under study: A mix of 0.5% with accuracy of +/-0.3% ( concentration can oscillate min 0.2% hydrogen, max 0.8% hydrogen) Mixing rate of the device up to 5% hydrogen Flow of 200 nm3/h at pressure with inlet pressure of 11bar from both Hydrogen and Argon supplies The mixing valve is a pneumatic positioner operated proportional mixing valve. Control with closed loop from the hydrogen analyzer, to compensate for inlet temperature effects. Impacts on implementation: Tank, vaporizer and associated piping shall be rated 20barg. Other piping rated PN10 shall be isolated during regeneration 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
External cryogenics layout LAr Vaporizer 2nd LAr tank A cage with roof hydrogen rack A’-A hydrogen mixer 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Finished 3D model and preliminary drawings Platforms Finished 3D model and preliminary drawings 3D model reviewed twice with SMB-SE Preliminary drawings sent to valve box supplier for interface points discussion: Valve box mass Purifier valve box manipulation hole Platform Installation schedule: Scheduled from week 21 to week 26 / 2017 Several structures installed at the same time Dependent activities Cable tray installation Field box installation Cabling campaign 3 ( long cables from racks to field boxes) 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Platforms simulation of purity monitor 850mm overhang extension over concrete blocks 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
legs positioned to remove purifier vessel Platforms cable tray traps steel grating surface warm piping supports legs positioned to remove purifier vessel NP-02-40-F1-ST 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Platforms maintenance access cable tray supports to NP-02-40-CA to NP-02-40-AP main access stairs NP-02-40-CA-ST 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Platforms supports for cold lines Integration of field boxes 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Platforms purifier manipulation acess stairs NP-04-40-F1-ST simulation of purity monitor Integration of field boxes NP-04-40-AP-ST NP-04-40-F1-ST 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
Detail development of external cryogenics Summary Development of control system requirements for cable tray, cabling operations and field boxes. Detail development of external cryogenics Hydrogen Mixer implementation under study with HSE and FGSO Definition of platforms 80% Platforms interface with valve box supplier 09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN
09/02/2017 J.Creus Prats - CERN