Davenham CE Primary School Y2 residential to TATTENHALL 22nd – 23rd May 2017
TATTENHALL Residential Centre
General Information Staff involved over the 2 days Miss Phillips Mr Leeman Mr Jackson Mrs Hyslop Mrs Clewes Address of accommodation Tattenhall High Street Tattenhall Chester CH3 9PX Phone: 01829 770223 Mrs Buck Mrs Rice Mrs Oldham Mrs Le Miss Ellison Mr Brady Miss Hill
Transport The children will be travelling on Byleys Coaches. Mr Leeman will be driving to Tattenhall and his car will stay there in case of an emergency. The Year 1 and Year 2 children will travel to Tattenhall together on the Monday, then the Year 2s will return on the Tuesday.
Itinerary: Monday 22nd May 08:50 Arrive at school (Bring bags to the hall) 09:10 Depart School 10:00 Arrive at centre: on arrival we will be met by a member of the Centre staff ‘Adam’ he will give us a safety talk, tour and a snack. 11:00 Carousel of Dance, Art, PE 12:15 Packed lunch (to be provided from home and hopefully enjoyed in the sunshine) 13:15 Continue the carousel of Dance, Art. PE 16:00 The Year 1 children will leave 17:00 Evening meal 18:00 Campfire with marshmallows 19:00 Film and hot chocolate 21:00 Bed
Itinerary: Tuesday 23rd May 08:00 Breakfast and packing 9:00 Team games / PE 12:30 Lunch at the centre (Provided for the y2s) 13:15 Playtime 14:00 Leave the centre 15:00 Arrive back at school
Activities All activities will be linked to our Summer theme, covering Africa and going on safari. We will be on the site for all of these activities. Dance Art Orienteering Adventure playground Campfire P.E
The Social Room
The Outdoor Space
The Bedrooms
The dining room, art studio and dance hall
Catering Breakfast A selection of cereals, juice and yoghurts are in the dining room for you to help yourselves to, followed by a hot option served at 8.15 am. Lunch for Day 2 Lunch is sandwiches, crisps, fruit or yoghurt and a hot option. Evening Meal The main meal is a 2 course meal with 2 options. Snacks Tea, coffee, squash, milk, hot chocolate, biscuits and toast are available at all times from the dining room. Special Diets Centre staff have a wealth of experience in providing meals for all sorts of allergies and intolerances from mild to serious conditions. If your child has any allergies please write these on the medical form and I will let the centre know.
Children’s Kit List A large holdall is preferable, if not a small suitcase will be adequate. It must be able to fit in the over head racks within the coach. Please label the holdall/suitcase and all possible items of clothing. Hand towel. Toilet bag containing: Toothbrush; toothpaste; soap; flannel; hairbrush; Pyjamas and slippers (Children will wear slippers inside the centre rather than their outdoor shoes) Socks and underwear (3-4 pairs). To wear old clothes suitable for dancing and painting on day 1. Pack PE clothes for day 2. 1 outfit for teatime. Waterproof jacket. Old trainers. Carrier bag for dirty clothes. Hat, scarf and gloves or sunhat and sun cream. It is important your child watches you pack their case so they know exactly what they have packed and what clothes are theirs.
The centre have asked the children leave their outdoor shoes in these containers and change into indoor shoes or slippers when inside.
Also.... A packed lunch and non fizzy drinks for the first day. Can you also provide something small in their lunchbox for a mid morning snack. This should be in a disposable bag and clearly named. Children may bring ONE small bag of sweets and ONE small bar of chocolate. 1 teddy bear. 1 book. Please note electronic devices are not allowed.
Communication Miss Phillips will contact the school asap on arrival at Tattenhall. Miss Phillips will also be in contact with the school over the return time of the party should it vary significantly from the itinerary. In the case of an emergency please phone the school. Out of school hours please phone 07903826540. Miss Phillips will try to find sufficient wifi to upload a blog onto the school website on the Monday evening. Please ensure you have completed the medical forms so we have all emergency contact details for yourselves. If you haven’t yet completed your child’s medical form could you please do so tonight.
Groups and Rooms Day groups: Each adult will be responsible for their group of children. The groups will be the same for both days. Rooms: There is one dormitory for boys and one for girls. Staff rooms and bathrooms are situated near to the children’s rooms.
This is the floor plan. Room 3 and Room 4 have had new beds fitted and now sleep 22 in each.
Behaviour and Conduct Children will be briefed before the trip of the standard of behaviour we expect of them. Any cases of inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with our behaviour policy and after the trip if necessary. In cases of extreme inappropriate behaviour during the trip the school may notify parents in order to obtain their help with resolving the situation.
Health and Safety The trip has been approved by Cheshire West’s educational visits department. Risk assessments have been constructed and all adults involved will have a copy. Children will be briefed on health and safety issues such as fire procedures in the accommodation (on arrival) We will be the only school visiting the site. All doors are protected by a security code, which is changed after every visit. Staff will set an alarm so should a door be opened an alarm will sound. The school has full travel insurance through the tour operator.
Medicines Please send medicines mentioned on the medical form to the school office before the trip in a clearly labelled and preferably sealed sandwich style bag. NB: If your child needs to take any medicines that are kept in the school, please collect these from the class teacher on the Friday, check they are up to date and then return to the school office on the Monday that we travel.
Any Questions?