Attention Seniors Do you have a relative that communicates using sign language? If so, contact Mrs. Hayes in room 609 as soon as possible. We need to know so that we can be sure to have a sign language interpreter at your graduation ceremony.
Vote and Bid online for some of our very own student work. Concord on Canvas Vote and Bid online for some of our very own student work. Congratulations Alea Hammer, Hanna Albinus. Jessie Silva Noyola, and Aren Bergen for your artworks acceptance into Concord on Canvas.
College T-Shirt Day Thursday, March 2 is college tee day. Seniors wear your college tee or college colors that day.
FCA/YCI Come out and join our Bible club, FCA/YCI, that meets every Wednesday morning at 6:30am in the Main Gym. All are welcome!
Our 2016-2017 film festival is April 11th. Prepare your movies to submit for great prizes! It’s 5 dollars per submission.
Our Graduation Practice time will be Thursday, June 8th at 12:30-2:30. Seniors will need to be at the Arena by 12:20
Graduation Speeches Seniors, Would you like to be the Class of 2017 Commencement Speaker? Applications are available from Mrs. Hayes in Room 609 NOW and must be returned by Tuesday, March 28th at 2:15 to be considered.
GSA has a meeting in room 912 today. We will be watching a film.
Chicken Tenders with Biscuit Lasagna Rollup Broccoli and Cheese Soup Lunch Menu Chicken Tenders with Biscuit Lasagna Rollup Broccoli and Cheese Soup Fresh Veggies with Dip Sliced Strawberries with Cool Whip Fiesta Bar
Prom Prom is when and where____ Guest Forms for students that don’t attend Cab Co Schools? Prom Boutique is March 15th Will someone at prom being doing pictures? What are the best sites for taking pictures? What is the theme? How much are tickets? When will tickets go on sale?
Spanish National Honors Society Spanish National Honor Society Senior graduation cord orders are now available. Bring 9 dollars to Mrs. Henry in Room 302 if you would like to order your cords.
Talent Show 10th Annual Talent Show will be on April 13th 6-8 pm in the school auditorium.
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. Theatre Presents You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. April 6-8th In the auditorium. Tickets are 7 dollars.
Throwback Thursday Send your throwback pictures to or bring them to room 912 to have them appear on our announcements.
Send them to Mrs. Peterson or bring them to yearbook. The yearbook staff is looking for pictures in of PromPosals and Best friends. Send them to Mrs. Peterson or bring them to yearbook.
This weeks’ SPORTS
Soccer plays at Lake Norman Charter today. They play West Rowan at home on Friday.
Baseball Baseball plays at Mount Pleasant today and against West Rowan at home on Friday.
Lacrosse is home on Saturday at 9 am.
Softball Softballs plays AL Brown at home on Thursday, and West Rowan at home on Friday.
Tennis Starts on the 6th
Track Starts on the 11th