MOST: The Management and Organizational Sustainability Tool A Participatory Management Assessment and Improvement Process
What is MOST? One step in a change process to improve management practices A foundation for improving organizational performance and meeting clients’ needs
What is the MOST process? Engagement and preparation—making a commitment to the process and getting ready for the workshop 3-day workshop—answering the questions: “Where are we now? Where are we headed? How will we manage the needed changes? How will we reach our objectives?” Follow-up—carrying out management improvements to strengthen services and meet clients’ needs
What happens during the workshop? Participants assess current status of the organiza-tion’s management practices: “Where are we now?” They reach consensus on areas for improvement and changes to be made: “Where are we headed? How will we manage the needed changes?” They produce an action plan to implement management changes: “How will we reach our objectives?”
What is unique about MOST? Participatory process includes cross-section of staff from different departments and levels Participants reach consensus on current status of management practices and improvements needed Realistic action plans are integrated into broader organizational work plans Change leader and team take responsibility for implementing action plans
Why undertake MOST? The MOST process improves: work climate management practices organizational performance and sustainability
What effects will MOST have on an organization? Mission, values, strategy, structure, and management systems aligned and strengthened Staff at all levels involved in implementing action plans and making improvements Organization more focused and clients better served