Health and Social Care Academy Quarterly Highlight Report Report Number: 7 Period: Apr – June 16 Date: June 2016 Health and Social Care Academy Quarterly Highlight Report Academy Events Programme Strategic Partnerships and Development Audit Scotland ‘Changing Models of Health and Social Care’ seminar (18 April) ‘2 Million Expert Voices – Listening, Learning and Leading Change’ national conference (23 April) NHSScotland QIH ‘Strengthening the Links’ event – facilitated workshop on 5 Provocations for the future of workforce development (26 April) ‘The Links Event 2016’ national conference (13 June) Scottish Parliament Exhibition (28-30 June) ‘General Practice, Data and You’ – facilitated event on the Scottish Government/NHS project, SPIRE (29 June) University of Strathclyde Centre for Health Policy – planning dissemination of peer research findings and visit of Elisa Yamen from Yale University (Autumn) Royal College of Nursing Scotland – planning roundtable event on review of national NHS targets (August) University of the West of Scotland – planning ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’ think tank events (September-October) Healthcare Improvement Scotland – Buurtzorg in Scotland NHS Health Scotland – exploring further strategic links in strategic planning and engagement Scottish Human Rights Commission – planning collaboration on piloting tool to embed PATH/PANEL principles in our work planning Closer integration with the ALLIANCE’s People Powered Health and Wellbeing team inc planning on co-production (September) International Futures Forum collaboration on transformation Policy and Communications Next Quarter Priorities Launch of ‘5 Provocation for the Future of Health and Social Care’, supporting case studies and video (18 April) Launch of 2016 Creative Competition (19 April) ‘2 Million Expert Voices – Listening, Learning and Leading Change’ national conference – social reporting videos, blogs, Flickr, Storify and development of conference report 1,756 followers on Twitter, 3,642 tweets 124 blogs published on the Academy website Delivery of ‘Integration Series’ events (Roundtable event on review of performance target landscape in partnership with RCN; University of the West of Scotland ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’ Think Tank; Co-production event in partnership with People Powered Health and Wellbeing/NESTA) Planning future events, including Integration and Human Rights Think Tank; Open Dialogue Roundtable; Participatory Budgeting Masterclass Redevelopment of Academy website and leaflet Piloting PATH Framework Tool (embedding PATH/PANEL principles in our work plan) Partnership development with SHRC and others Creative Competition promotion and prize-giving Citizen and Secret Blogger recruitment and promotion