Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night
Homework? Approximately 10 minutes of homework per grade level, so 4th graders should have about 40 minutes a night, which would include the recommended 20 minutes of independent reading. Math homework is occasional (Blue) Word Study packets are sent home on Monday and should be returned on Friday.
Reading can include Independent reading Reading to a parent or sibling Being read to
Language Arts -- Reading Reader’s Workshop will be daily Reading Units focus on skills and reading genres Core Reading is taught by homeroom teachers, Targeted Reading might change throughout the year Small strategy groups will be on-going throughout the year as needed Reading at home should be for enjoyment
Language Arts -- Writing We will focus on different areas of writing for 40 minutes daily Grammar and Editing Informational Writing Opinion Writing Personal or Imaginary Narrative Emphasizes the teaching strategy of gradual release Think Aloud Think Together Guided Practice Assessment Independence
Language Arts --Word Study We will focus on spelling patterns and vocabulary words. Homework packets will be sent home weekly. Students will practice in class daily. A test on Friday includes spelling pattern words, high-frequency words, and vocabulary words.
Math There will be occasional homework. Homework will most likely be completed in class so that additional support can be given if needed. Quizzes are given throughout each unit to assess student understanding and to gauge if additional teaching is needed. Final grade is based on unit tests. ****Critical – students need to know their multiplication facts
Social Studies Social Studies in 4th Grade focuses on: Social Scientists (geographer, historian, economist, political scientist) Geography and Mapping Government Regions of the United States (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West)
Science Uses the inquiry method, where students have a question and attempt to answer the question using science There are a lot of vocabulary words to learn and practice Students work in groups Units include: Engineering Properties of Matter Changes of Matter Rock Cycle Water Cycle Energy Electricity
Health We will continue to expand learning on health concepts taught in grades k, 1, 2, and 3 Topics include: Character Development Personal Safety (recognizing safe and unsafe situations, having personal safety plans) Mental & Emotional Health (reducing stress, making positive, safe, and healthy choices) Nutrition (understanding food labels and using them to choose healthy snacks, evaluate choices based on impact to health) Body Systems (structure and function of body systems, excluding reproduction system) Human Development (understanding the physical changes during puberty and understanding the biological differences between boys and girls) Chemical (understanding the risk factors of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs)
Grades A- = 90-92% B+ = 87-89% B = 83-86% B- = 80-82% C+ = 77-79% F = Below 60%
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