Greentree Elementary 2017-2018 Welcome to 4th Grade Greentree Elementary 2017-2018 Michelle Stroud Julia Arcuri Susan Mitchell Meg Gandy Julie Wimberly Melissa Ebarb
A little about me . . . Mrs. Ebarb
My Favorite Things…
Dismissal Our Goal: Dismiss 730+ students safely and efficiently. The Facts: Our car rider dismissal rarely exceeds 25 minutes. We are all doing the best we can. We need parents to follow these guidelines: Please display a CLEARLY WRITTEN car rider sign at all times (see example). Please DO NOT leave your car to walk up to the school during dismissal. It is a safety and traffic issue. Please do not come to the car rider lines before 3:10. No one will be dismissed before 3:30 and any parked cars impede emergency vehicles and buses. Please do not park on Brook Shadow to pick up your student as a Walker.
Referrals for Gifted/Talented testing have moved up this year Referrals for Gifted/Talented testing have moved up this year! Who: All Students When: August 28 - September 20 By Whom: Parents or Teachers Please view the flyer at or visit for more information and to request referral forms.
Lunch Times: Mitchell/Gandy --- 11:15 Ebarb/Wimberly --- 11:17 Arcuri/Stroud --- 11:19 Eating with your child: We ask that if you visit during lunchtime, please sit with your child at the center guest table only. Students may not ask a friend to join them, as this is your special time with your child. If you have peanut products, please notify the teacher on duty. Cafeteria Prices: Breakfast - $1.45 Lunch - $2.25
STAAR Testing 2018 Testing dates: April 10–Writing May 14 – Math May 15 – Reading The building will be completely closed those days, so please do not plan on lunch with your child or schedule any appointments for them those days.
Daily Schedule 8:10-10:15 1st Block 10:15-11:10 Specials 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:15 Recess 12:25-12:55 Sparkle Time 12:55-3:20 2nd Block 3:30-3:50 Dismissal
Planners & Purple Folders Are filled out each day indicating any homework assignments and important notes. These should be checked and signed by parents each and every day. We will do our best to take a picture of the planner for the week on Monday and upload it to Bloomz. Take Home Folder Inside your take home folder will be homework, GTE information, and/or graded papers. This is also how you can send things to school with your child (i.e. Money, order forms etc.)
Bloomz We will be piloting a class conduct system through Bloomz. This is a positive behavior system that lets students earn points as they exhibit good character and follow or exceed classroom expectations. Students and parents can easily access these points daily by joining your student’s Bloomz. We will communicate with you through this APP. Also, we will use it to sign up for conferences. Please download the APP and use the code: CODE to join. When you download the APP and join the class, you can also receive emails through Bloomz.
Bloomz Video
Conduct Grades Student behavior will be recorded in your child’s planner. Please check your child’s planner each night for notes written by the teachers regarding behavior. Student’s weekly conduct grade will be marked every Friday. E: Exceptional Behavior – this student has gone above and beyond exhibiting great Gator character. S: Satisfactory Behavior – this student has followed the classroom expectations. N: Needs Improvement – this student needs support from parents & teachers to improve classroom behavior. U: Unsatisfactory Behavior – this student needs support from parents, teachers, and school administrators to improve classroom behavior.
PBIS & The Great 8 Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is practiced throughout Greentree. Why: To build character & community To reinforce positive behaviors How: Classroom community time Gator tickets given for “Great Gator Behavior” Great 8 lessons in our classrooms
Supplies Please see the list by the door. We have already received school supplies for many students. If you brought your supplies today please be sure they are labeled with your child’s name and given to the teacher. Students can bring decorative duct tape for their interactive notebook on the first day.
Specials Specials rotate by classroom. Please make sure your child wears good athletic shoes on the days they go to P.E. Students learn the recorder in the second semester of fourth grade. Students will need to be responsible to bring their materials to music.
Power Walk - Every Friday afternoon Power Walk - Every Friday afternoon. Please make sure your student wears appropriate shoes that day. Fruit Break - Please pack a nutritious snack for your student each day. Healthy foods only . We encourage students not to bring peanut products to the classroom due to food allergies. Water bottles - Be sure to send a non-spill water bottle with your child daily and remind them to bring it home often for washing. Please do not send any beverage other than water.
Tutoring Tutoring needs will be assessed on an as needed basis. Official tutoring will be determined after the first round of DBA’s (district benchmark assessments). Tutoring groups are kept small to meet the needs of each student effectively. Sparkle Time is a daily 30 minute block where interventions take place based on a student’s individual needs or plan.
Word Study Words Their Way: Students will be learning the same spelling skills required by the TEA for 4th grade. The program helps students learn spelling patterns, NOT simple memorization. Sorts and nightly homework will be a huge part of this. We will be using a 2 week system, where words are given but a spelling test will not be given the same week but the following week!
Reading and Language Arts My goal is to create a structure used to “foster literacy independence.” Each day we will have mini-lessons and independent learning time to practice the skills learned. We will focus on many reading strategies, including comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary. Also, we will practice the writing process: brainstorming, rough drafting, revising, editing, and showing it off. Students will be challenged to increase their stamina, as well as setting weekly goals to become better readers and writers. The Daily 5 by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
Balanced Math The hands-on curriculum is designed to give students a grasp on manipulation of numbers & number sense, not just rote equations. Have your student share these strategies with you so you can better understand what they are learning. In this balanced math approach we use district-created plans, Investigations, and enVision. Our team is always here to answer any question you may have. In fourth grade, multiplication and division are huge. Please help your student practice their 1 – 12 multiplication facts nightly.
Science and Social Studies The science curriculum is focused on hands-on labs. The social studies curriculum is focused on Texas history.
Support Your School GTE Annual Fund
We look forward to a GATOR GREAT new school year!