Real Water – Living Water Get Real Series-8 Real Water – Living Water REAL WATER – LIVING WATER - SCRIPT
Real Water Living Water Get Real Series All who and what you are inside of your skin floats in or is surrounded by water. This includes your thoughts. You can survive without food for months, but without water you’d die after a few days. Every day your body loses some of this water through breathing, urine, sweat and stool. This fluid needs to be replaced.
Real Water Living Water Why Do You Need Water? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water Why Do You Need Water? Water is a critical nutrient maintaining your health Your body is 60-70 % water A shortage can cause a host of health problems dehydration... fatigue... back pain... constipation... headaches... joint pain... muscle cramps… Why Do You Need Water? Water is a critical nutrient to help maintain your health. Your body is 60-70 % water. A shortage can cause a host of health problems including dehydration... fatigue... back pain... constipation... headaches... joint pain... muscle cramps... and more!
Real Water Living Water Why Do You Need Water? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water Why Do You Need Water? Without water you can’t digest properly You need it to get rid waste inside your body 94% of your blood Without water you can’t digest properly, or absorb nutrients (the stuff in food that helps to make you healthy). You need it to get rid of the junk and waste inside your body. It forms most of your blood
Real Water Living Water Why Do You Need Water? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water Why Do You Need Water? Without water you can’t digest properly You need it to get rid waste inside your body 94% of your blood Control body temperature Lubricates and cushions your joints Keeps skin healthy Protects against germs It helps control body temperature and lubricates and cushions your joints and keeps skin healthy. Germs are the things that cause infectious diseases that can give you a fever. They cannot thrive in a body that has enough water inside of it.
Your Body Tells You about your Hydration levels Get Real Series Real Water Living Water Your Body Tells You about your Hydration levels Thirst It will make you thirsty. Losing 1 -2 % of your body water will make your body remind you that it is thirsty. Many people don't realize that the natural thirst signal of the body is a sign that it requires pure, plain drinking water.
Your Body Tells You about your Hydration levels Get Real Series Real Water Living Water Your Body Tells You about your Hydration levels Thirst Colour of your urine It tells you by the colour of your urine. If it is a deep, dark yellow then you are likely not drinking enough water. It needs to be clear, colourless or very pale yellow.
Real Water Living Water How Much Water? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water How Much Water? It is possible to drink too much or too little. Start day with 500ml. It is possible to drink too much and too little water. Want an easy way to keep a good balance in water drinking? Start your day by drinking a big mug (a beer mug holds 500 ml) of water. The water can be warm if you so wish.
Real Water Living Water How Much Water? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water How Much Water? It is possible to drink too much or too little. Start day with 500ml. Add a squeeze of lemon juice. Look at colour of urine. Should have little or no colour in it. When there is colour it is time for another glass. For a little taste you can add a squeeze or two of fresh lemon juice. It is now time to begin giving an interested look at the liquid you leave behind in the toilet. It should have little or no colour in it. If you see some colour then its time for another glassful.
Real Water Living Water Get Real Series Why Do You Need Water? Your body is about 60-65% water and the balance is solids. Your brain is 83% water. Muscles that help your body parts move are 75% water molecules. Without water your body will stop growing, healing and getting rid of waste. Sadly, very few people drink much water and how we feel and respond to life is affected negatively by this fact.
What Are The Best Times To Drink? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water What Are The Best Times To Drink? Avoid drinking with your meals. Water absorption takes between 5 and 20 minutes from the mouth to the blood stream. Avoid drinking with your meals. This will dilute the enzymes that help digest food. The food will stay in the stomach for too long and cause fermentation and indigestion. Water absorption takes between 5 and 20 minutes from the mouth to the blood stream.
There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells Get Real Series Real Water Living Water There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells This is great new information. The water in your cells is not regular water. This water is very different to the water that you will find in your taps or your water filter. Some call it living or structured water.
There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells Get Real Series Real Water Living Water There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells This is not any regular water. Very different to the water out of tap. Some call it living or structured water. This is great new information. The water in your cells is not regular water. This water is very different to the water that you will find in your taps or your water filter. Some call it living or structured water.
There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells Get Real Series Real Water Living Water There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells This is not any regular water. Very different to the water out of tap. Some call it living or structured water. It is sticky, thick and alkaline. Negative electrical charge. It is more sticky, thick and alkaline than regular water. It has a negative electrical charge that can hold and deliver electromagnetic energy, much like a battery.
There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells Get Real Series Real Water Living Water There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells Sun = Restore Living Energy Water One of the reasons why getting in the sun makes you feel so good is because both the light you can see and the infrared found in sunshine enters to the body and helps build and store this living energy water.
There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells Get Real Series Real Water Living Water There is Something Special About Water In And Around Your Cells Sun = Restore Living Energy Water Walking Barefoot = Energized living Water In addition, walking barefoot on the earth sends electrical charges through your feet to the water in your body and helps make the energized living water.
What About Using Water Outside Of The Body? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water What About Using Water Outside Of The Body? Keep skin and teeth clean Wash hands after toilet & before eat Hot and tired – splash face with cold water Ice packs for bumps & bruises We all know that we need to keep our skin and our teeth clean. I think we all know that we need to wash hands after going to the toilet and before eating. This plays a part in helping to stop us from becoming sick. If you are hot or tired, splash your face with cold water. It will instantly make you feel fresher. Keep ice packs in the deep freeze so that you can apply wrapped in a wet cloth them to a painful area or use after a bump or a bruise.
What About Using Water Outside Of The Body? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water What About Using Water Outside Of The Body? For a headache put your feet in a basin of hot water Close it up to keep the heat in Put ice pack on head and neck Relief of the headache in minutes, God is the healer For a headache put your feet in a basin of hot water. See your handout for instructions.
Water Inside & Outside Of The Body? Get Real Series Real Water Living Water Water Inside & Outside Of The Body? You have learned that keeping your urine a very pale colour helps to keep you clean inside. You have learned that we can use water applications outside of the body to shunt water around inside of the body as well as to help bring about healing.
Real Water Living Water Next Up? Get Real Series You may find yourself surprised by what you will learn in our next presentation. You will hear and see what drinks like alcohol, fizzy cool drinks and energy drinks do to the body. It will be an interesting presentation.
Tomorrow night = Real Water or Dirty Pools? Get Real Series Tomorrow night = Real Water or Dirty Pools? It is called Real Water or Dirty Pools. We look forward to seeing you then.