Designing Your Fitness Program Chapter Sixteen Designing Your Fitness Program
Why Set Goals? Designing your fitness program requires setting very specific individual goals, putting them in writing and making a commitment to yourself to seek a higher level of health fitness.
Setting Goals A goal is an outcome for which you are striving; something you want to achieve or intend to do in life. A clearly stated goal is: Concrete - a definite objective you want to achieve Measurable - a way of knowing when you have reached the goal Related to a definite time frame - a deadline by which you intend to reach your objective
Goals Long Term Goals Involve a major change in lifestyle or behavior Intermediate Goals Serve as milestone events along the way to achieving your long-term goals Short Term Goals Attainable in a shorter time frame such as weeks or months
Designing My Activity Plan (MAP) Assess your current fitness and activity level Identify the fitness areas you need to improve Determine realistic goals for you Put your goals in writing Select the type of activity that will work for you
Designing My Activity Plan (MAP) Decide how you will record your activities and monitor your progress Identify potential barriers and obstacles and how you will overcome them Establish a reward system for achievement of your goals Preparing for action and putting your plan into action
Evaluating Sports & Recreational Activities Know the fitness component(s) which an exercise program or sports activity will help improve. Select those activities which are best able to help you reach your goals.
Maintaining Your Program Start slowly Make the activity a priority in your schedule Have a back up plan Motivate yourself Vary your program to avoid boredom Exercise with others
Maintaining Your Program Post your exercise log Don’t expect too much too soon Know and avoid using common excuses Begin by increasing duration rather than intensity Listen to your body Avoid competing with others Do it for YOU!
Evaluate Your Plan Were you able to complete the program as planned? Did you really enjoy the activities? Have you noticed any changes in your health and fitness level? What changes would you make to improve your plan? Return to Chapter Menu