Table 3. Local Equine service availability ? An Assessment of Pennsylvania Equine Owners and PA Equine Council Effectiveness Ann Swinker*1, Charles Van Auken2, G.W. Wills2, Daniel Kniffen1, Capri Stiles Mikesell 1; Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, US1, PA Equine Council, Harrisburg, PA, US 2 Equine Science Society Proceedings (abstract #69347) Introduction and Objective Survey Results Revealed: What is the most difficult issue in owning horses ? Respondents top four issues listed: 1. Trails (traffic, proximity, open land, availability) 2. Land use (zoning, regulations, neighbor conflicts, urban development) 3. Economics of horse ownership (high cost) 4. Professional services availability (vets, farriers, qualified trainers and instruction). Table 3. Twenty breeds of equine were noted, the top choices were Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred, Paint, Warmblood, Walking Horse and Arabian. Participants equine health interests were: Lameness 57%, Nutrition 56% Diseases 55%. Interests for property issues were: Keeping public land open to riding 72%, Liability 56%, Quality water sources 53% Pasture management 51%. 47.5% of equine owners reported to have a manure management plan, 13.6% reported having an Erosion/Sediment Plan. Owners relied on veterinarians 83%, printed materials 63%, equine websites 68%, and on PEC 41% for equine information. The least trusted source was the internet. When asked to rate PEC’s most effective programs, Table 2, the liability law, legislative involvement, trail issues, and insurance influenced their membership and rated very high. 75% of surveyed horse owners reported having equine related issues resolved by communication with the PEC board. The Pennsylvania Horse Industry is diverse and broad-ranged, ranking 9 in the nation. In PA, 1.14 million acres of land is utilized for the 255,763 equine, creating 20,300 jobs and associated assets totaling $8.27 billion. With this large equine industry The Penn State University with the cooperation of Pennsylvania Equine Council (PEC) conducted a survey of horse owners. The purpose of the survey is to: Identify topics of interest and concerns of horse owners and equine professionals, determine where horse owners are obtaining educational materials, and look at methods the Pennsylvania Equine Council could implement to support horse owners. The survey will identify and evaluate equine programs that the Council is offering throughout the state. Table 2. How would you rate the Pennsylvania Equine Council's programs and services? Methods Excellent Good – Neutral – Fair – Do not know – Total – –Trail Stewardship 38.14% 156 27.38% 112 7.58% 31 2.44% 10 24.45% 100 409 –Equine Learning Center Displays 26.60% 108 22.17% 90 15.76% 64 1.48% 6 33.99% 138 406 –Horse Welfare 25.98% 106 29.90% 122 12.75% 52 1.96% 8 29.41% 120 408 –Legislative Involvement 31.54% 129 30.56% 125 10.27% 42 2.69% 11 24.94% 102 –Insurance 31.13% 127 23.77% 97 12.50% 51 30.64% –Retail Discounts 10.61% 16.67% 66 23.99% 95 4.04% 16 44.70% 177 396 –Liability Signs 53.01% 220 24.82% 103 8.92% 37 1.45% 11.81% 49 415 From 11/ 9/16 to 1/ 9/17, the Penn State University Extension with the cooperation of Pennsylvania Equine Council (PEC) conducted an on-line survey of horse owners. The questionnaire was deployed online to 2,824 equine contacts via email using Of the emails sent, 1198 recipients (42%) opened the email. A total of 625 recipients clicked on the link to the survey, and 440 (36.7%) completed the survey. Table 1. What is your equine interest? Survey Participants Revealed: 81% are female, between ages of 50 - 65. Live in almost every county within PA. Typically own 1 to 4 horses. 66.7% owned property, average size 10-20 ac. 83% of owner’s equine experience lies between intermediate to advanced. Diverse industry with many disciplines, 86% of respondents classifying themselves as recreational riders, Table 1. Conclusion When asked -- what they considered their main issue, the following answers were at the top: Trails/open land, urban development, economics, regulations, zoning, traffic, hunting/game lands, many of these issues are interrelated. Overall, the survey findings provide a valuable tool to assess current and future programs and issues for both the PEC and Equine Extension programs. Table 3. Local Equine service availability ? Exceptional – Adequate – Lacking – Not sure – –Veterinarian 61.73% 271 30.52% 134 7.52% 33 0.23% 1 –Farrier 58.09% 255 36.45% 160 4.56% 20 1.37% 6 –Tack Shop 18.01% 78 37.64% 163 44.11% 191 –Feed Supplier/Store 35.78% 156 55.28% 241 9.63% 42 –Trainer/ Instructors 24.29% 103 40.57% 172 25.71% 109 9.43% 40 Table 1-A. Where do you trail ride? -Rides on your farm or stable's property. 80.87% –Trailer your horse to a public land (local/state parks, game lands) 69.25% –Ride your horse to public land (local/state parks, game lands etc.) 33.49% –Ride on adjoining properties 56.72% Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research and extension programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.