Merry Christmas!
Christmas is a very special family holiday in America!
? Japan America 日本では一番大切な家の 行事何ですか。 お正月 お盆 Christmas Thanksgiving 感謝祭(11月に)
What do you do on Christmas Day in Japan? Question: What do you do on Christmas Day in Japan?
Eat Christmas cake? Date with girlfriend or boyfriend? Children receive presents?
American Christmas Customs Decorate the house with lights. Put a Christmas tree inside the house. Make Christmas cookies. Give cookies to Santa Claus. Eat turkey and drink egg nog. Give and receive presents Not only children!
#1: Put up Christmas Lights Christmas customs #1: Put up Christmas Lights
#2: Put a Christmas Tree in our home Christmas customs #2: Put a Christmas Tree in our home
40,000,000 trees are sold every year Christmas customs 40,000,000 trees are sold every year
Decorate the tree with “ornaments” Christmas customs Decorate the tree with “ornaments” “Candy Cane”
Put presents under the tree Christmas customs Put presents under the tree
Christmas customs
Famous Christmas tree in New York
Christmas customs Stocking
#3: Make Christmas cookies Christmas customs #3: Make Christmas cookies
#4: Give cookies and milk to Santa Claus Christmas customs #4: Give cookies and milk to Santa Claus
Christmas customs Milk Eggs Cinnamon #5: Drink “egg nog”
Christmas customs #5: Eat turkey!
#6: Open presents on Christmas morning Christmas customs #6: Open presents on Christmas morning
Bad children get coal (石炭) Christmas customs Bad children get coal (石炭)
Good children get presents! Christmas customs Good children get presents!
Lovers kiss under the “mistletoe” Christmas customs Lovers kiss under the “mistletoe”
“Santa Claus” or “Saint Nick” Christmas Symbols Christmas Symbols Christmas Symbols “Santa Claus” or “Saint Nick”
Where does Santa Claus live? Christmas Symbols Where does Santa Claus live?
The North Pole
How many reindeer does Santa have? Christmas Symbols How many reindeer does Santa have? Reindeer
Who is the most famous reindeer? Christmas Symbols Who is the most famous reindeer? Rudolph
Santa enters through the chimney Christmas Symbols Santa enters through the chimney
Christmas Symbols “Ho, ho, ho!”
Jesus’ Birthday : the reason Christians celebrate Christmas Christmas Symbols Jesus’ Birthday : the reason Christians celebrate Christmas
“A White Christmas”
Merry Christmas!