Heart Failure in Women Dr. Jennifer Haythe CRF MINI-MED SCHOOL Heart Failure in Women Dr. Jennifer Haythe
Heart Disease leading cause of death for WOMEN in the United States
Heart Disease kills 1 in 4 women
Heart Disease KILLS more WOMEN than ALL CANCERS combined
Only 54% of WOMEN identify HEART DISEASE as their #1 killer
64% of WOMEN who DIE suddenly of a heart attack had NO prior symptoms
In the 1st Year after a heart attack women are 28% more likely to DIE
Women are less likely to be prescribed ACE inhibitors, Beta Blockers and Statins and less likely to receive a defibrillator after a heart disease diagnosis Women are less likely to be prescribed cardiac rehab after a heart attack
90% of Women Have 1 Risk Factor
Heart Failure in Women Coronary Artery Disease (heart attacks) Hypertension Diabetes Valve Disease Obesity Chemotherapy Peripartum Stress Sleep Apnea Toxins Smoking Congenital Heart Defects
Congestive (systolic) Heart Failure
CHF Symptoms
Peripartum Heart Failure Develops in last month or within 5 months of delivery Ejection Fraction < 45% No other cause of heart failure found
Peripartum Heart Failure Risk Factors Advanced maternal age Obesity Smoking Alcoholism Multiple Pregnancies African American Descent Malnourishment
Peripartum Heart Failure Treated with traditional CHF meds: ACE-I, BB, digoxin, diuretics (depending on pregnant state, breastfeeding etc) Women with a better EF and less dilated hearts more likely to recover their heart function within 6 months Women who recover to normal EF more likely to tolerate subsequent pregnancy without death or serious consequence
Diastolic Heart Failure Heart Failure Preserved Ejection Fraction Seems confusing Heart Function is “normal” Heart is actually impaired Years of hypertension, diabetes, smoking, poor diet, obesity, sleep apnea make heart stiff and thick
Treatment Not so easy – nothing shown to change survival BUT – can improve symptoms Diuretics BP control Weight loss Treat sleep apnea Convert abnormal rhythm like A FIB
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Hypertension Categorized into 5 groups PAH Left sided heart disease Lungs Diseases CTEPH (multiple blood clots) Other, sarcoid, unclear
Treatment Depend on type of PAH Medications like Viagra Valve surgery Oxygen Surgery to remove blood clots Lung transplant
Be in Charge of YOU
Vital Signs Weight Blood Pressure Pulse Glucose (if Diabetic)
Heart Failure Diet
Exercise Cardiac PT Walking Bicycle Light weights Yoga Discuss with your doctor how high you may get your heart rate and what exercise program is appropriate
Family History
Talk to Each Other
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