Course Selection Assembly Grade 9 to 10
High School Graduation Requirements 30 credits = 18 compulsory + 12 elective Successful completion of the literacy test 40 hours of community volunteer service
Compulsory Sources Subject Area Credits needed English 4 Mathematics 3 Science 2 Canadian geography 1 Canadian history 1 Arts 1 Health & physical education 1 French 1 Career studies 1 Civics 1
Group 1 Credit – Can be… Additional English French as a second language/International language Senior Social Science/Humanities Canadian and World Studies Guidance – another careers course Co-operative Education (in grade 11 or 12)
Group 2 Credit – Can Be… Business Health and Physical Education Arts Co-operative Education (in grade 11 or 12) French
Group 3 Credit – Can Be… Gr 11 or 12 Science Technical Education Computer Studies Co-operative Education (in grade 11 or 12) French
Credit Counselling Summary
Current Courses & Credit Totals
Grade 9 Program @ SATEC (Courses you have taken so far....) English Canadian Geography Math Healthy Active Living Science French / ESL Tradigital Art or Integrated Art Exploring Technologies
Course Levels Grades 9,10 Grades 11,12 D = Academic U = University P = Applied M = Mixed (Uni /college) C = College L = Locally developed E = Workplace O = Open O = Open
Grade 10 Courses You Have to Take - 8 courses in total - English (D, P, L, ESL) Math (D, P, L, Enriched) Science (D, P, L, Enriched) Canadian History (D, P) Civics & Careers If you are part of the specialized program you MUST take Enriched Math and Enriched Science “D3”
Grade 10 Elective Courses: 21st Century Technologies Students must choose 2 from the following courses: Computer & Information Science (ICS2O1) Computer Engineering Technology (TEJ2O1) Technical Design (TDJ2O1) Introduction to Business (BBI2O1) Information Technology in Business (BTT2O1) Computers in Music (AMM2O1) Tradigital Art (AVI2O1) Vocal Music & Digital Recording (AMV2O1) Media Arts (ASM2O1)
Grade 10 Elective Courses: Students must pick 1 of the following courses:* Healthy Active Living for Males (PPL2OM) Healthy Active Living for Females (PPL2OF) French (FSF2D) Dramatic Arts (ADA2O1) Learning Strategies (Only if you have an IEP)(GLE2O1) *Students wishing to take 2 courses from this grouping must agree to take civics and careers in grade 11 or complete civics &careers at summer school
For course selection, consider… What are your plans for after high school? What pathway will you take? (workplace, apprenticeship in the trades, college or university) Not sure???...then keep your options open
What if I am planning on going to University? Keep your options open BUT Select courses at the right level for you – college programs and apprenticeship training lead to many occupations University pathway: must choose academic English Choosing applied math? You can still go to university depending on your program choice.
What university programs require math in grade 12? Science Programs (e.g. Life and biochemical sciences, physical sciences, environmental sciences) Business Programs (e.g. Management, accounting) Engineering Programs Computer Science/IT Programs Math Programs Some Physical Education/Kinesiology programs
Math options for grade 10 From Gr 9 Academic Math From Gr 9 Academic Math MFM2P1 OR MPM2D1 (MPM2D3 for specialized program students) From Gr 9 Applied Math MFM2P1 OR summer school then MPM2D1 (transfer course)
Looking ahead… MBF3C1 MPM2D1 MCF3M1 MAT2L1 MEL3E1 MCR3U1 MFM2P1 MBF3C1 min 75% recommended in MFM2P1 MAT2L1 MEL3E1
Resources for future planning Apprenticeships in the Trades & Service Industry College Programs in Ontario University Programs in Ontario
Next Steps... Course Fair (Wednesday Feb. 15) Learn more about courses and pathways in Choices online By Thurs. Feb 23 you must submit these documents to your Homeroom teacher in period 1: SATEC Course Selection Worksheet Course Selection sheet signed by a parent/guardian (this is generated by when you choose your courses online)
What you need Credit Counselling Summary SATEC Course Selection Worksheet Your OEN number for
Making Informed Choices Select courses at the right level for you Choose 2 Alternative courses in case 1 of the 8 you select cannot be timetabled Do your research ahead of time (talk to teachers, attend course fair) Choose wisely. Do not pick courses randomly! ...because
Making Informed Choices- continued may be stuck with them next year! Why? Course changes are not granted automatically Specific revisions to timetables are not always possible Changing your mind on taking certain courses later may result in disappointment because classes will already will be full.
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