NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS NGO Non profit organisation, voluntary association Locally, nationally or internationally active Independent from States, religion Defined goal for a defined population, profession, ethnology group, environment, health, agriculture, nutrition Advocate of social issues at state institutions –> critique, accusations, condemnations of political processes and responsible persons Monitoring the political development Collection of data, execution of research, anlysis of data Support and implementation of international agreements / resolutions Representing public interests and carrying out „shadow reports“ D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
NGO – IMPORTANCE for UNO Anchoring of Human rights Support, advocacy Expertise and competence Tasks Human rights Environment and health Support for developing countries Social development Umbrella definition: Social Societies, Grass root Organisations D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
COOPERATION NGO and UN: Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). General consultative status - for important international NGOs, that cooperate with most areas of the UNO /ECOSOC Special consultative status - for NGOs which provide competences in several fields of activities. Roster – for NGOs which UN acknowledges their useful contribution in special occasions. D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
UNITED NATIONS (UN) Founded 1945 Membership: originally 51 states, today 193 Charter of Human Rights 1948 Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Goals: Peace, diplomacy, solution of social problems like poverty, hunger, illiteracy, eradication of diseases, implementation and support of human rights D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
ECOSOC Coordinates the independent organisations that cooperate with UN. These are – among others - : - ILO - International Labor Organisation FAO - Food and agricultural organisation UNESCO - educational, scientific, cultural organisation WHO - World Health Organisation IFC – International Finance IMF – International Monetary Fund UNICEF - United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund UNHCR – High Commission of Refugees UNIDO – Industrial Development Organization D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
ECOSOC Accreditation means Official acceptance from UN Accredititation of NGOs at UN Accreditation means Official acceptance from UN Invitation to cooperate with UN Requirement for consultative Status at UN Internationally active Financial resources from minimum three different countries Aktivities in minimum three different countries Obliged to democratic value system Headquarter location with official employees D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
CONSULTATIVE STATUS General Status 149 Special consultative status 3,389 Roster 975 Total with consultative status ca. 4,513 Total of accredited NGOs > 8,000 September 2016 http://undocs.org/E/2016/INF/5 D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
NGOs with general consultative status (selected) Year of award Care International 1991 Caritas International 1999 Greenpeace International 1998 International Alliance of Women (legal) 1947 International Assoc. of Lions Clubs 1998 International Council of Women (social) 1947 Medecins sans frontiere 1993 Oxfam International 2002 Rotary International 1993 Soroptimist International 1984 ZONTA INTERNATIONAL 1969
Advantages of Consultative Status Participation at international conferences and events Delivery of statemets in writing and speaking at these events /conferences Organisation von Side events Admission to UN locations/buildings Possibility of networking and lobbywork D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL Founded 1919 in Buffalo New York a leading organization of professionals Zonta is nonsectarian and nonpartisan. The mission: empowering women through service and advocacy. 30.000 members in 66 countries (May 2017) D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL UN COMMITTEE Zonta Representatives in Europe/USA Vienna (4): Trafficking (Palermo Protocol); Human Rights; Aging, UNIDO (sustainable development); Drugs; OECD Geneva (4): Human Rights Council and Status of Women, CEDAW, ECOSOC, ILO New York (5): Trafficking, Human Rights, Post 2015, Migration, CSW, ECOSOC, General Assembly, WEPs, follow up with UN Women, UNFPA, UNICEF Paris (5): UNESCO D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
How Zonta contributes to the UN Committees - Vienna Participation in conferences, discussions, workshops at CCPCJ, CTOC, OSCE Organisation of „Side Events“ to relevant meetings of UNCTOC Conventions CCPCJ Drafts for common statements Meetings with experts Communication with UN personal, Representatives of Member States Lessons learned by evaluating antihuman trafficking measures” “Istanbul Convention – Added Value to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime” CEDAW, GRAVIO, UNIDO Provision of information material D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
„Rule of Law to leave no one behind“ Rule of law for everyone Criminal Justice Reform: Police reform, Prosecution service, Judiciary (the courts), Access to legal defence and legal aid, Prison reform and alternatives to imprisonment, and Restorative justice Justice for children; Support and assistance to victims; Gender in the criminal justice system D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
To advise & give policy guidance to ECOSOC and member states Functional Commission of ECOSOC June 1946 Exclusively Dedicated To Promotion Of Gender Equality & Empowerment Of Women. To prepare recommendations on promoting women’s rights in political, economic, civil, social & educational fields Monitor, review, appraise progress & problems encountered in implementation of Beijing declaration & platform for action of 1995 To advise & give policy guidance to ECOSOC and member states D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
COOPERATION of ZI with UN (1) ZI Service Projects und Programs initiated and carried out since 20 years with UN units only. UN acknowledges and values ZI expertise und competence for women topics ZI the only NGO, that substantially contributes financially to UN projects. Engagement of ZI at the UN started early (1948) and led to high public recognition and trustworthiness within the UN. In New York, Vienna, Geneva and Paris Zonta International has representatives at the UN. D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
COOPERATION / Engagement of ZI with UN (2) Observation and participation every 5 years four World Conferences for Women CEDAW – „Bill of Rights for Women“ – national Ratification Millennium Declaration – UN GA 2000 Millennium Development Goals 2000-2015 – „Developing Countries“ Goal 3 (of 8): sponsorship of gender equality and women‘s empowering Sustainable Development Goals SDG Continuation/expansion of MDG – focus on entire globe Goal number 5 Gender equality
Sustainable Development Goals
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL – PROJECTS with UN 2008- 2018 Service Projects with UN only – selection: Elimination of Obstetric Fistula and Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality in Liberia UNFPA (UN Population Fund) HIV-Free Generation Effective Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence Rwanda UNICEF Gender Responsive Schools to end violence against women and girls –– Vietnam UN Trust Fund (to end violence against women) Delaying Early Marriage – Niger UNFPA Voices against Violence – prevention and discrimination of violence of women and girls – in 12 countries –> UN Women (gender equality and the empowerment of women) Let us learn Madagascar: an integrated program for adolescent girls Trafficking and illegal migration of women and girls - Nepal UN Women D14 UN Committee 2016-2018
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL – NGO - UNTED NATIONS WIN-WIN Situation ZI objectives focus on women and girls worldwide they are in the „limelight“ of UN goals and programs Knowing women‘s needs and wishes - emotional intelligence ZI competence as important NGO – UN depends on advice and support of NGOs in order to achive successfully their goals! ZI‘s width and depth of professional competence qualify for effective assistance and support ADVOCACY represents ZI‘s core competence ZI goals: support programs, attention and intercession for women‘s affairs/problems worldwide ADVOCACY D14 UN Committee 2016-2018