Elements of Fiction & Non-fiction
What is Fiction? Fiction works include made-up characters, and a made-up series of events, called the plot. Fictional writing is told (narrated) by a speaker called the narrator. Fiction is told from a certain perspective, or point of view. First-person point of view is the perspective of a character in the story. Third-person point of view is the perspective of a narrator outside the story. Works of fiction often include a theme, or message, about life.
Types of Fiction Novels- long works of fiction. Elements included- characters, plot, conflict, and setting. In addition to the main plot a novel may contain one or more subplots, or independent related stories. Novellas- shorter than novels but longer than short stories Short Stories- brief works of fiction. Same elements as novels and novellas but tend to focus on one main plot with a single conflict.
Elements of Nonfiction Nonfiction deals only with real people, events, or ideas. Written by an author who is a real person, not a narrator. Nonfiction presents facts or discusses concepts It may reflect the historical context of the time period, including references to major social and cultural information.
Types of Nonfiction Biographies- tell the story of someone’s life from the perspective of another writer Autobiographies- tell the story of the author’s life and reflect the writer’s thoughts and feelings about events. Letters- are written forms of communication from one person to another. Journals & Diaries- records of daily events and writer’s thoughts & feelings about them. Can be private or public. Essays & articles- brief written works about a specific topic. Purpose might be to explain, persuade, or inform. Informational Texts- written documents such as textbooks, applications, instructions, and articles.
What are the features of fiction and nonfiction?
Elements of Fiction or Non Fiction? Table of contents Topic Conflict Characters Plot Setting Glossary Charts/graphs Index Bold print/italics Point of View Sidebar Heading Plot structure Pictures Symbolism Labels Captions Theme
Fiction or Nonfiction? a story about a monkey who does karate.
Fiction or Nonfiction? An article about what polar bears eat and how they live
Fiction or Nonfiction? A story that takes place during the Civil War and tells how one boy started the Battle of Gettysburg
Fiction or Nonfiction? A description of the events that took place on September 11, 2001
Fiction or Nonfiction? An description of a family of hockey playing polar bears
Fiction or Nonfiction? Something with a 3rd person, omniscient narrator and symbolism
Fiction or nonfiction? Something with captions and a table of contents
Fiction or nonfiction? A piece of writing that follows a traditional plot structure and contains round, dynamic characters.