Understanding Standards: Advanced Higher Event English
Aims of the day To support teachers, lecturers and assessors in their understanding of national standards by: reviewing candidate evidence discussing this evidence and associated Marking Instructions with colleagues asking questions and seeking clarification about national standards
Advanced Higher English 2016 the first year of the new qualification significant increase in uptake four compulsory components Literary Study Textual Analysis Portfolio–Writing Dissertation (literature only)
Advanced Higher English 2016 2303 candidates A 25.7% B 27% C 28.2% D 10.2% NA 8.9%
Literary Study no specified texts/authors four parts in the paper seven questions in each part two novels/plays three short stories/poems
Literary Study Most popular questions in the 2016 paper: Q. 27 (Drama) 14% Q. 28 (Drama) 12% Q. A1 (Poetry) 8% Q. A6 (Poetry) 8% Q. A7 (Poetry) 8% Q. B9 (Prose Fiction) 8%
Key Messages - Literary Study select high quality texts knowledge of technical terms avoid inappropriate micro-analysis choose an appropriate question
Textual Analysis compulsory for all candidates requires application of appropriate skills candidates responded well to the challenge
Textual Analysis 47 42 4 7 Genre % of candidates Poetry Prose Fiction Prose Non-fiction 4 Drama 7
Key Messages – Textual Analysis no genre restriction in choice of question awareness of genre conventions knowledge of technical terms extended bullet-point responses acceptable
Portfolio—writing Genre % of pieces submitted Reflective 22 Fiction 35 Poetry 10 Drama 8 Persuasive 17 Argumentative 6 Informative 2
Key Messages—Portfolio-writing two pieces in two different genres awareness of genre conventions technical skills could be taught alongside TA single poem rather than group of poems
Project—dissertation introduction of reduced word limit single ‘substantial’ text possible some excellent work in evidence two novels (by different authors) by far the most popular choice for study
Key Messages –– Project—dissertation select high quality literary texts avoid overly disparate groupings of texts specific and manageable topics are constructed offer detailed analysis of appropriate elements footnotes and bibliographies are included
Useful Links Revised Course Support Notes: http://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/AHCUSNEnglish.pdf Advanced Higher English Webinar recording: http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/75796.html Education Scotland materials: http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/nqcoursematerials/subjects/e/nqresource_tcm4854480.asp Heriot-Watt SCHOLAR: https://courses.scholar.hw.ac.uk/vle/scholar/ Understanding Standards Materials: http://www.understandingstandards.org.uk/Subjects/English
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