Space IN YOUR Face
Each team will get 15 seconds to guess the word being described by the riddle. The teams with the correct answer written down will be able to send a “shooter” to the the line to shoot for either 1, 2, or 3 points.
Example Riddle: I am rocky, have an atmosphere, and am able to support life. EARTH
Riddle #1: Stars use me first before any other elements during Nuclear Fusion. Hydrogen
Riddle #2: I am a cloud of gas and dust, where baby stars are born. Nebula
Riddle #3: I consist of all the matter that exists. Universe
Riddle #4: I am a galaxy that has arms, and look like an octopus, hurricane, fan, etc. Spiral Galaxy
Riddle #5: I am a star that is stable and yellow Riddle #5: I am a star that is stable and yellow. I will be in this stage for most of my life. Main Sequence
Riddle #6: I am a cool star that is loosing its fuel, and beginning to expand because of it. Red Giant
Riddle #7: I am a galaxy that looks like a circle. Elliptical Galaxy
Riddle #8: I am how scientists explain the origin of the universe. Big Bang Theory
Riddle #9: I can travel faster than anyone or anything that exists. Mr. Dewar
Riddle #10: I am used to measure distances to other stars and to other galaxies. Light-year
Riddle #11: I am the color that means COOL. RED
Riddle #12: When galaxies move away from ours you experience ME. Red-Shift
Riddle #13: when a wave is stretched I get longer, when a wave is squished I get shorter. Wavelength
Next Round
A star that is 100 light-years away will supernova tonight A star that is 100 light-years away will supernova tonight. How long until the event can be viewed from Earth? How many points to gamble. (whatever you gamble will be doubled or lost) 100 years
What about the light that stars give off can scientists use to determine the elements within the stars? How many points to gamble. (whatever you gamble will be doubled or lost) Wavelengths
Draw a picture to show how radio waves can help scientists determine the distance of things in outer space. Choose # 1, 2, 0r 3 This has decided from where you will shoot to get your 5 points for answering this question correct. Has to show a wave go from EARTH to another OBJECT in space and BOUNCE off then come BACK TO EARTH
Each team will send one shooter to pick a shot to make Each team will send one shooter to pick a shot to make. Each shot will result in a different question. If your team is wrong your score is cut in half, and if you’re right your score is doubled.
You will have 30 seconds to answer the following questions.
Spot 1/MISS Spot 2 Spot 3
How can scientists determine the different elements in stars.
Draw a picture of the milky way galaxy and put a X where the sun would be.
Before the “Big Bang” what did scientists believe about the universe?