ICE Integrated Cloud Environment Cloud Scanning and Mobile Printing October 18, 2016 Professional Services Delivery
A Smarter Way to Scan Easy to scan and route your documents to multiple applications. Powerful OCR, scan directly to email and cloud services. OCR unlocks your data, turning scanned documents into editable and searchable files.
Cloud Scanning & Printing Don’t know when or where you’ll need to print? Secure mobile printing No print drivers necessary No network access required Any Print Cloud enabled MFP Print from your tablet, smartphone or laptop.
How Print Cloud Works Print Cloud holds your files securely in the cloud, and you get sent a release code to print your documents. .
Simple User Interface Integrated Cloud Environment main screen showing the subscribed services. Sign-in to your account from the MFP's touch screen display. Soft keyboard right at the MFP for easy text entry. Easy scanning settings at the MFP including: color, duplex and file type.
The App Store for your ICE account: The ICE Marketplace The App Store for your ICE account: Administer and create users Add and delete connectors Move application connectors Reporting capabilities Customize ICE MFP display Set up address books SharePoint administration
Scan to BoxTM
Press the Scan to Box™ application. Scan to BoxTM To Begin: press the operation panel button allocated to ICE. On some units, this may be found under Other Functions. Press the Scan to Box™ application. Scan to Box™ allows you to send hardcopy documents to your account. It supports OCR, PDFA, Text, Word, and Excel formats.
User List Screen User List Screen Registered users can select their User ID which has an associated Box Account if they have previously registered. Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. Scan: Scan documents to Box . The Start key can also be used to initiate scanning. Settings: Displays the Scan Settings screen. Register New User: New User can be registered by pressing this button and entering email associated with Box Account. <<First, <Prev, Next>, Last>> These buttons are for Page Navigation within the User List.
Register New User When you press Register New User the following screen appears. Now press the entry field for the Box Account, and the soft keyboard opens. Enter the email address used to login to Box Account and press OK. Press Register to start the registration process. Email for Box Account
Register New User Check email, the one entered at the MFP during registration. Click on the link in the email, login to your Box Account.
Press Grant access to Box to give access to your Box Account. Register New User Press Grant access to Box to give access to your Box Account. Enter the Registration Code received in the email and press Next button.
Register New User Fill in the following form. User ID, is a 8 character identifier that displays on MFP panel. Registered User ID is shown on MFP in User List screen. This completes new user registration. ‘USERNAME”
Setting the Scan Workflow Scan Settings After pressing Scan Setting in User List screen, the Scan Setting screen is displayed. Setting the Scan Workflow The following settings are available: 1. Mode Color or Grayscale 2. Scan File Format PDF or JPG 3. Duplex Simplex or Duplex 4. OCR Off, Text, PDF, Word, Excel 5. Page Size Auto, Letter or 11x17 Home: Return to Main Menu. Scan: Scan documents to Box™. User List: Return to User List. Send scanned image with OCR: When checked, both the scanned image and the OCR file are uploaded, but only when OCR is not set to ‘Off’. File Name: Touch the text box next to File Name, this will open the soft keyboard, enter the file name.
Scan documents to BoxTM When the Scan button or Start key is pressed, the above message is displayed. When scanning is completed, a Scanning was Finished message is displayed momentarily. Also ‘Sending…’ is displayed during scan data transfer between MFP and web server.
Scan to Google Drive
Press the Google Drive application. Scan to Google Drive To Begin: press the operation panel button allocated to ICE. On some units, this may be found under Other Functions. Press the Google Drive application. Scan to Google Drive allows you to send hardcopy documents to your Google Drive account. It supports OCR, PDFA, Text, Word, and Excel formats (visit: http:/ )
User List Screen User List Screen Registered users can select their User ID which has an associated Google Account if they have previously registered. Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. Scan: Scan documents to Google Drive. The Start key can also be used to initiate scan. Settings: Displays the Scan Settings screen. Register New User: New User can be registered by pressing this button and entering email associated with Google Account. <<First, <Prev, Next>, Last>> These buttons are for Page Navigation within the User List.
Register New User Now press the entry field for the Google Account, soft key board opens. Enter the email address used to login to the Google Account. Press Register to start the registration process. Email for Google Account
Click on the link in the email, login to your Google Account. Register New User Email is sent to your Google Account, your Google Drive login email address. . Click on the link in the email, login to your Google Account.
Press Accept to give access to Google Drive. Register New User Press Accept to give access to Google Drive. Enter the Registration Code received in the email and press Next button.
Register New User Fill in the following form. User ID, is a 8 character identifier that displays on MFP panel. Registered User ID is shown on MFP in User List screen. This completes new user registration.
Setting the Scan Workflow Scan Settings After pressing Scan Setting in User List screen, the Scan Setting screen is displayed. Setting the Scan Workflow The following settings are available: 1. Mode Color or Grayscale 2. Scan File Format PDF 3. Duplex Simplex or Duplex 4. OCR Off, Text, PDF, Word, Excel 5. Page Size Auto, Letter or 11x17 Home: return to Main Menu. San: scan documents to Google Drive. User List: return to User List. Send scanned image with OCR: When checked, both the scanned image and the OCR file are uploaded, but only when OCR is not set to ‘Off’. File Name: Touch the text box next to File Name, this will open the soft keyboard, enter the file name to be stored in Google Drive.
Scan documents to Google Drive When the Scan button or Start key is pressed, the above message is displayed. When scanning is completed, a Scanning was Finished message is displayed momentarily. Also ‘Sending…’ is displayed during scan data transfer between MFP and web server.
Login Workflow When the Login button in User List is pressed, this screen is displayed. Here you will enter your Google Account Username and Password and then press Login. Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. Back: Return to User List Screen If the authentication fails, this error message is displayed. In this case, please re-enter your Google credentials.
Scan to Evernote®
Press the Evernote® application. Scan to Evernote® To Begin: press the operation panel button allocated to ICE. On some units, this may be found under Other Functions. Press the Evernote® application. Scan to Evernote® allows you to send scanned images of hardcopy documents to your Evernote® account (visit:
Register New User After highlighting the initial icon, next you will enter your Evernote Username and Password and then press Login. Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. If the authentication fails, this error message is displayed. In this case, re-enter your Evernote credentials.
Setting the Scan Workflow Scan Settings After a successful login, the Scan Setting interface screen is displayed. Setting the Scan Workflow The following settings are available: 1. Mode Color or Grayscale 2. Scan File Format PDF or JPG 3. Duplex Simplex or Duplex 4. Resolution 200 dpi, 400 dpi 5. Page Size Auto, Letter or 11x17 Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. Scan: Scan documents to Evernote® The Start key can also be used to initiate scanning. Note Name: Touch the entry field next to Note Name, this will open the soft keyboard. Enter a Note Name [Max 32 Characters] for the document to be stored in Evernote®.
Scan documents to Evernote® When the Scan button or Start key is pressed, the above message is displayed. When scanning is completed, a Scanning was Finished message is displayed momentarily. Also ‘Sending…’ is displayed during scan data transfer between MFP and web server.
Scan to Email
Press the Scan to Email application. To Begin: press the operation panel button allocated to ICE. On some units, this may be found under Other Functions. Press the Scan to Email application. Scan to Email allows you to send hardcopy documents to an email address and supports OCR, PDFA, Text, Word, and Excel formats. Email ID registration is available for easy access.
User List Screen User List Screen The user can select their email address if they have previously registered it. Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. Scan: Scan documents to Recipient’s Email Address. Settings: Displays the Scan Settings screen. Register/Update: New User ID & Email Address can be registered for this device or all devices in organization on which Integrated Cloud Environment is deployed. <<First, <Prev, Next>, Last>> These buttons are for Page Navigation within the User List.
Press Register/Update, enter email address. Register New User New User ID & Email Address can be registered for this device or all devices in organization on which Integrated Cloud Environment is deployed. Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. Enter Email Address Press Register/Update, enter email address.
User Registration Screen The user’s email address can be registered on this screen. Registering their email address prevents repeated manual entry of the address for future use. User ID: Max 8 chars - this is displayed as a button in User List screen. Email Address First Name (Optional) Last Name (Optional) Register To: ‘This Device’ or ‘All Devices’ in organization. Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. User List: This will show User List screen. Register: Registers the User Information. Available?: Checks if the entered User ID is available for registration.
Available and Update Features Pressing Available? will check if the User ID was previously registered. The User Update screen allows for Delete and/or Update of registration information (i.e. from ‘This Device to All Devices or visa versa)
Setting the Scan Workflow Scan Settings After a successful login, the Scan Setting interface screen is displayed. (this interface may vary with a pdf only version) Setting the Scan Workflow The following settings are available: 1. Mode Color or B&W 2. Scan File Format PDF or JPG 3. Duplex Simplex or Duplex 4. OCR Off, Text, PDF, Word, Excel 5. Page Size Auto, Letter or 11x17 Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. Scan: Scan documents to Scan to Email. File Name: Touch the entry field next to File Name, this will open the soft keyboard for the document. User List: Pressing the User List, displays the User List screen. Send scanned image with OCR: When checked, both the scanned image and the OCR file are uploaded, but only when OCR is not set to ‘Off’.
Scan documents to Email When the Scan button or Start key is pressed, the above message is displayed. When scanning is completed, a Scanning was Finished message is displayed momentarily. Also ‘Sending…’ is displayed during scan data transfer between MFP and web server.
Scan to Print Cloud
Press the Print Cloud application. Scan to Print Cloud To Begin: press the operation panel button allocated to ICE. On some units, this may be found under Other Functions. Press the Print Cloud application. Scan to Print Cloud allows you to send hardcopy documents to your Print Cloud account. It supports OCR, PDFA, Text, Word, and Excel formats (visit:
Cloud Printing Choose the settings for your print job (i.e. Copies, Layout, Duplex or Simplex, Staple, etc). Home: Return to Main Menu screen [Application List]. After entering a valid Release Code and pressing the Print button, this message is displayed informing the user that the print job is being downloaded.