GCSE English Language Mocks Marking Training 16BAE07.


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Presentation transcript:

GCSE English Language Mocks Marking Training 16BAE07

Aims of the training It has been designed to support you in marking the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) English Language specimen paper, allowing you to use the specimen paper as a mock paper for your students. During the training we will: - cover the assessment requirements of the new specification   - look at the new types of questions - review examples of real student responses to questions - understand how to use the mark schemes to mark your students’ mocks. 2

Paper 1: Fiction and Imaginative Writing 1 hour 45 minutes 40% of GCSE (total 64 marks) 19th-century Unseen Fiction text AO1 Short answers (questions 1 and 2) 3 marks AO2 Analysis of language and structure (question 3) 6 marks AO4 Evaluation (question 4) 15 marks AO5 and AO6 Writing (choice of question 5 or 6) 40 marks Reading – encourage students to use introduction and glossary.

Questions 1 and 2 AO1: Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas

Question 2 – scripts 2A, 2B and 2C

Question 3 AO2: Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views

Question 3 – scripts 3A and 3C

Question 4 – scripts 4A and 4B AO4: Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropriate textual references

Imaginative Writing – Question 5 or 6 Script 5B

Imaginative Writing – Assessment Objectives

Paper 2: Non-fiction and Transactional Writing 2 hours 60% of GCSE (total 96 marks) 20th and 21st century unseen non-fiction texts AO1 Identify information and ideas (questions 1 and 4) 3 marks AO1 Synthesis (question 7a) 6 marks AO2 Analysis of language and structure (qu. 2, 3 and 5) 18 marks AO3 Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are conveyed, across two or more texts (question 7b) 14 marks AO4 Evaluation (question 6) 15 marks AO5 and AO6 Writing (choice of question 8 or 9) 40 marks

Paper 2: Non-fiction and Transactional Writing Differences to Paper 1: AO2 weighting in question 3 (5 levels/15 marks) Two Reading texts More time to allow for reading two texts Question 7 - AO1 synthesis in 7a) / AO3 comparison in 7b)

Short answer questions

Question 1 - scripts 1A-1D Question 2 Scripts 2A-2C

Question 3 – script 3A

Text 2 Short answer questions Scripts 4A-4C, 5A and 5B

Question 6 – script 6A

Question 7a) – script 7A

Question 7b) – script 7B AO3: Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are conveyed, across two or more texts

Question 8 or 9 – scripts 8A and 9A

Any questions?

Contact information English Subject Advisor, Clare Haviland: teachingenglish@pearson.com   Tele: 0207 010 2183 http://www.edexcel.com/Subjects/English/Pages/Default.aspx English forum look at and participate in: www.community.edexcel.com/english/default.aspx Twitter: @pearsonTeachEng www.edexcel.com/learningforabetterfuture 22