SFA to the Internet Welcome to Day 3 of the Electronic Access Conference. Today, I would like to talk about one of SFA’s modernization initiatives: SFA to the Internet. Before going into details on the migration, I’d like to explain why the initiative started.
History of SFA to the Internet Why are we changing? Customers’ request to use Internet technology Reduce costs for customers and SFA Terminate TIV WAN transmissions – utilize Internet transmissions Consolidate 2 redundant store & forward mailboxing systems into 1 system supporting PC & mainframe customers on multiple platforms Let’s begin with a brief history of how the SFA to the Internet initiative was derived. Throughout the year, SFA sponsors the Electronic Access conferences, the DL conference, and the Software Developer’s conference and many focus groups geared towards our Title IV application system and SFA software products. You, the customers, told SFA that you wanted to utilize your existing Internet connection instead of using SFA’s dial-up solution. Providing internet transmissions would relieve some of the burden for the schools to obtain a separate phone line. You also told us that you did not like to be charged for transmitting Title IV data to our Title IV application systems. Our current TIV WAN charges per kilocharter for Title IV transmissions. Utilizing our customers’ internet access eliminates costs for you, the customer and SFA. As we examined our current delivery of Title IV data, SFA also saw the need to consolidate our 2 store and forward mailbox applications (OPEN*Net and Enterprise). Eliminating this redundancy overhead for maintaining two parallel mailboxing systems will increase cost savings to SFA.
What’s the Solution? SecurePortal – Store and forward mailboxing system (new SAIG) Online Secure Manager (OSM) – replaces online query for mailbox management & administrative duties EasyAccess - Client software used to send and receive data. As we examined customer suggestions for internet transmissions, we searched for a solution that would fit our customers current work environments. The solution we are implementing in the SFA to the Internet initiative will provide our customers faster, more secure transmissions and mailboxing. The solution consists of 3 integrated COTS applications. The first is the Secure portal, which hosts our customers and Title IV application systems mailboxes in one application. This new mailbox system is also known as new Student Aid Internet Gateway or SAIG. The next application is online secure manager. This module is browser based and is used to track where your batches are in the Title IV delivery system. OSM replaces the current online query. The last application is the Easy Access client software. This software is by PC and mainframe customers to transmit and receive Title IV data via the Internet.
Supported Platforms PC Operating Systems Windows XP Windows ME WinNT 2000 Professional Windows 4.0 Windows 98 Windows 95 The Easy Access client that will be running on your systems, this software supports the following operating systems: Prior to installing the Easy Access software, you should confirm the operating system you will be installing the software is supported by SFA. Here is a listing of the operating systems supported for PC platforms. Windows XP – which is now being shipped with PCs currently being purchased. SFA is testing compatibility Windows XP. Easy Access client also supports Windows Me, WinNT 2000, Windows 4.0, Windows 98 and Windows 95.
Supported Platforms Mainframe/Midrange OS/390 2.6+ MVS/ESA OS/400 4.2+ (Compiler Level 3.7) AIX 4.2+ Digital UNIX 4.0 (DEC UNIX) DEC Open VMS 7.1 HPUX 10.01+ SCO UNIX 4.3+ Sun Solaris 2.6+ For mainframe and midrange customers, Easy Access client supports these operating systems: OS/390 2.6+ MVS/ESA, OS/400, AIX, DEC Unix, HPUX, SCO Unix (what’s SCO??? Ask Brad), and Sun Solaris.
Security of the Data Utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL 3.0) as encryption solution for securing privacy of transmitted Title IV data SSL Encryption – industry standard and data protection solution used throughout the majority of eBusiness, eCommerce, and eGovernment applications UserID and password authentication will be required to gain access to your mailbox Now that we will be transmitting privacy act data via the internet, we are implementing the following security measures: SSL 3.0 – which are digital certificates which encrypt data using SSL technology. SSL is the industry standard. By encrypting the data, if data were ever intercepted by unauthorized individuals, they would not be able to easily read the data. Data would be scrambled, making it unrecognizable to unauthorized readers rendering the data useless. Also, to secure your data, you will need to use your TGID and password to gain access to your individual mailbox on new SAIG. Your passwords to are still required to be changed every 120 days.
Migration List Final sweep of data in old mailboxes Download client software & documentation Easy Access – mainframe EDconnect transmission software PC Test ISP connection SAIG Enrollment web site Indicate TGID ready to migrate to new SAIG mailbox Access new SAIG mailbox via ISP
EAC Supporting Sessions SFA to the Internet: Mainframe connectivity #15 Mainframe customers using COTS applications to send and receive data JCL scripts provided 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm Atlanta room SFA to the Internet: EDconnect software #16 PC and PC/combo customers using EDconnect transmission software to send & receive data 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm Columbian room As you already know, SFA began our migration with the early adopters on September 24. This group piloted the migration for the rest of you to help ensure a smooth transition. September 26, the migration was opened for all remaining customers. SFA’s strategy is to target migrating the high volume customers early during the migration to increase cost savings for SFA and our customers. Throughout the migration, CPS/WAN Technical customer support will be available to assist you with migration issues and problems. Support is available from 7am – 7pm Monday – Friday.
Need Assistance Migrating? All software and documentation available via SFA Download web site http://SFADownload.ed.gov All communications for the migration sent as pmessages, posted to SFA Tech listserv, IFAP and NASFAA web sites FAQs posted to SFA Tech web site CPS/WAN Technical support - assist with migration questions and issues 800-330-5947 For the migration, all software and accompanying documentation has been posted to SFA Download web site. All customers will need the Easy Access client. If you are a PC customer, Easy Access has been integrated in the Internet release of the EDconnect software v 5.0. PC customers can also download the Installation guide and desk reference. The installation guide details installation of the EDconnect softare on a stand-alone PC or networked environment. The desk reference is a quick reference guide for EDconnect commands. For PC customers, you will need to download the Easy Access client which corresponds to your mainframe’s operating system. Each week throughout the migration, SFA sends all of our customers items of interest about the migration. All information is sent as pmessages. If you happen to miss a communication, all information is posted to SFA Tech listserve and web site, NASFAA web site, and IFAP web site. SFA has gone through our call logs and email correspondence from customers and have comprised a listing of frequently asked questions. FAQs are posted to the SFA Tech web site. CPS/WAN Technical support is available to provide assistance with the migration Mon-Fri 7 am – 7pm. Phone number 800-330-5947.
Transition Strategy 200 Early Adopters migrate week of September 24, 2001 Migrate remaining customers Target high-volume users to work through migration issues and increase savings for SFA Provide Customer service hours during the migration will be 7am – 7pm Central Time
Migration Results 3,478 customers have migrated 2,761 customers remaining To date, the migration statistics are as follows: 1,738 customers have successfully migrated to Internet transmissions and their new store and forward mailboxes on the new SAIG. 5,415 customers remain to be migrated.
Congratulations to EAC giveaway winner! Accenture & NCS Pearson sponsors giveaway 3 drawings at SFA – consisting of all customers migrated by date of the drawing 1st drawing 10/5 - Kirtland Community College 2nd drawing 10/19 - Southern State Community College 3rd drawing 11/2 - Academy of Beauty Culture Comments from winning school As an incentive for our customers to make the migration, SFA asked the modernization partners Accenture and NCS Pearson to sponsor an EAC giveaway trip. The giveaway trip consists of 3 paid nights of lodging, round-trip air fare, and federal per diem for each day to cover expenses. SFA has held 3 drawings. The 1st drawing was held on 10/5 during SFA’s Senior Leadership meeting. All customers migrated by 9/30 were eligible for the drawing. The first winner was Kirtland Community College which migrated on September 28, 2001. This customer will be acknowledged during the Chicago EAC. The 2nd drawing was held on 10/19. All customers migrated by October 15, 2001, were eligible for the drawing. The winner of the 2nd drawing is Southern State Community College. This is here today and we would like to acknowledge the winning school at this time. Since you have valuable migration experience, do you mind sharing your migration? Approximately, how long did it take you to migrate? Did you have any problems accessing your new mailbox on SAIG? Any problems transmitting your school’s data via the Internet? Did you need to contact Customer service during your migration? How was your experience with CPS/WAN Technical Support? Thank you for your comments and sharing your migration experience with the audience. You may be seated.
Migration Key Dates September 24, 2001 – Early adopter migration starts September 27, 2001 – Full migration December 18, 2001 – migration completed December 19, 2001 – all remaining customers automatically converted to new SAIG. Some Key migration dates to remember: September 24, 2001 – Early adopters began migration. September 26, 2001 – migration open to remaining customers December 18, 2001 – All customers have migrated to Internet transmissions accessing their new SAIG mailbox. So, now that we are about done with the presentation, I’d like to take this opportunity to poll the audience. How many of you have already successfully migrated to Internet transmissions and your new store and forward mailboxes? Lets give these customers a round of applause. For the remaining customers who have not migrated, how many are PC customers? How many are mainframe customers? Why haven’t you migrated? Any brave souls willing to take the mike? If you are experiencing difficulties with the migration, we ask that you visit the PC lab or take in one of the sessions supporting the migration. The sessions are #15: SFA to the Internet Mainframe Connectivity – today at 10:45 am. Session #16: SFA to the Internet EDconnect software today at 1:30 pm. If you are one of those customers who has their mailbox automatically converted for you, please follow the instructions on the checklist (with the exception of making a notification of transition on the SAIG Enrollment web site.) If you have problems accessing your new SAIG mailbox, please contact CPS/WAN Technical support. They will be more than happy to assist you with your migration.
Questions? Yolanda.Brooks@ed.gov 202-377-3594 If you have any major problems with the migration, please give me a call at 202-708-7926 or email me at Yolanda.Brooks@ed.gov