Introduction to Computers Spring 2017 Welcome to CS 101! Introduction to Computers Spring 2017
Personnel Dr. Debby Keen, Lecturer and Coordinator of the TEAM Teaching Assistants on the TEAM Pictures online Get to know your TA! You can talk to ANY 101 TA about software questions!
Thank you very much!!
You are receiving two 3x5 cards One for writing the class web page URL - keep this one! One to turn in for attendance today - don't forget!
Write this URL on a 3x5 card ~keen/intro/intro.html KEEP THIS CARD!
For Attendance on the other 3x5 card Write your NAME Write the DATE (1/12/17) Write your SECTION If you don't know your section, hold up your hand and a TA will look it up and tell you AND... on the front of the card ….
GOALS - write them down What are your expectations for this class? or What do you want to learn? NOT “I want an A!” Write down your most important expectations on the card, then SHARE with a neighbor and ADD to your card if you like
GOALS, continued COMPARE your list with the one from the syllabus (coming soon)
On the back of the card Write the answer to: What's the most complicated thing you've done with a computer? In other words, what's the task you've done on a computer that you are proudest of?
Turn in your card at the end Turn in your card at the end of class by putting it in the envelope with your SECTION NUMBER at the front of the room
Goals of the Course are To be able to use applications software Windows, MS Excel, MS Access Integrating applications in Office To form an accurate mental model of a computer hardware software the Internet, HTML, networks To be aware of issues in society related to computers
How will learning these goals help me in my life? Office products are ubiquitous and useful – knowledge is assumed in most classes Knowing more about hardware and software means your computer should have a longer lifespan with fewer problems Knowing more about the Internet can save you from problems like spam, viruses and identity theft Understanding how the Internet and technology have affected society can make you more successful and a better citizen
Textbook and Supplies You are responsible for material in chapters in the textbook that are listed in schedule and all material covered in lectures The textbook is an on-line, interactive book from Zyante. It has exercises which will be assigned every week.
Your Grade is Based on: Lecture Exam 1 200 points Lab Exam 1 on Windows/Excel 75 pts Lab Exam 2 on MS Excel 90 points Lab Exam 3 on MS Access 100 points an HTML project 40 points an Alice project 25 points Zybook Homework 30 points And….
Your Grade (continued) Attendance 10 points for attendance at First Lab to verify your computer account 5 points for attendance at Last Lab 25 points for attendance at Lectures one point per day In Total, 200+200+200+75+90+100 + 40 +25 + 25 +30+10 + 5 = 1000 points
Attendance Required at All Lectures Two Required Labs Three Lab Tests taken often, taken at random Two Required Labs First and last labs of the semester Three Lab Tests Makeup Request Process – EXCUSED absences only! Three Lecture Tests – Two are Common Hour - at night arrange alternate time with lecturer if you have class Open Labs optional attendance but bonus!
Bonus Points One bonus point for each Open Lab attended, up to 9 points. You have to go to the lab section you are registered in and sign the attendance sheet.
If you miss a Lab Test If you have a “UK excuse” Serious illness, death in family, academic trip Give documentation to Dr. Keen when you makeup the exam If you do NOT have a “UK excuse” and you choose to use your “Free Makeup”, you arrange a makeup with Dr. Keen and take it If you do NOT have a “UK excuse” and you’ve used your “Free Makeup” already, you get a zero!
Academic Alerts These are caused by Excessive absences Poor performance Disruptive behavior Dr. Keen sends them – sends email to you and to your advisor They are sent fairly early, continue until after midterm They are meant to HELP you!
Accommodation for Disabilities Please tell Dr. Keen about it if you have a letter - as soon as possible! We can arrange accommodation for both lecture and lab tests These letters are NOT retroactive! That means you cannot go back and retake tests if you bring me a letter after the fact.
Plagiarism / Cheating seeking "Unfair academic advantage" UK Cheating Policy is followed NO assistance from someone else on Lab or Lecture tests, either in the room or electronically
CS 101 Bypass Exam Details on main CS 101 page at bottom Under “Useful Class Resources” Dates given this semester January 24, Tuesday March 7, Tuesday April 18, Tuesday Gives 3 credit hours and a letter grade on your transcript
Your Teaching Team Dr. Keen 36 years of teaching computer science MS (‘82) and PhD (‘94) from UK Grew up in Eastern Kentucky (Pikeville) Teaching Assistants Rashmie Abeysinghe Sifei Han Hamid Hamraz Fengbo Zheng
Office Hours There will be several office hours during the week Those will be posted as soon as they are settled Dr. Keen’s are partly in Marksbury 215 and partly in EE Annex 205 TAs’ office hours will be in EE Annex 205 You can visit ANY TA or Dr. Keen for general questions You need to visit YOUR TA first if you have a question about grading
Make Yourself a Study Plan for 101 When and where you will study (need a computer?) What materials you will need to study What rewards you will give yourself if you follow your study plan How you plan to prepare for tests What you will do about test anxiety What you will do when you miss a class
For Next Week Make your Study Plan Read the slides about File Management on the class web page Go to your lab when it is scheduled and do First Lab activities
Today's Exit Know your SECTION Have your NAME, SECTION, DATE and GOALS on the 3x5 card Bring your card down to the front and put it in the envelope corresponding to your section