Conventional HP Schematic Conventional Heat Pump System
Acadia Refrigeration Schematics Boosted Compression furthers the absorption of heat into the outdoor coil Normal Operation Boosted Compression
Hallowell International’s ACADIA Series 5 6 3 1 4 7 2 8 High Performance Coil – Designed for Maximum Heat Absorption, Efficiency and Reduced Defrost Cycles. 1 Thermally Protected Reversing Valve – Reversing Valve is Protected from elements, enhancing system performance. 2 Liquid Economizer – Supplements BTUs and increases efficiency by minimizing system losses using patented technology. 3 Suction Accumulator – Provides system compressor protection year round. 4 2 Stage, Bristol Benchmark TS Series Compressor – Offers superior efficiency, reliability and reduced temperature swings. 5 Bristol Benchmark Series Booster Compressor – Allows further heat absorption at mild conditions, Increasing BTUs and Delivery Air Temperatures. 6 Charge Compensator – Allows system to operate at Maximum efficiency during both Heating and Cooling. 7 Thermostatic Expansion Valve – Maintains system high efficiency by Maximizing Coil Performance. 8
Hallowell International’s ACADIA Series Weather Tough Fan Guard – PVC dipped heavy gauge steel fan guard. 1 1 3 2 4 5 Swept Wing Fan - Designed for optimum efficiency and quiet operation. 2 High Performance Coil – Designed for Maximum Heat Absorption, Efficiency and Reduced Defrost Cycles. 3 Durable Cabinet Construction - The Acadia is constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steal using polyester powder finish for increased weather protection 4 Double Isolated Compressor Mounting - Engineered to significantly reduce torsional vibration associated with compressor operation. 5
Bristol Benchmark Series – Twin Single 1 Cylinder Mode 2 Cylinder Mode
Bristol Benchmark Series – Operational Temperature Bin
Standard Heat Pump at 45º F outdoor temperature 120°F DISCHARGE 110°F Saturation TXV 40°F Saturation 95°F 70°F 360psi Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit 45°F Outdoor air 180°F 50°F 360psi 120psi 3:1 3500RPM Fixed Displacement
Standard Heat Pump at 25º F outdoor temperature 81°F sat 21°F Sat 75°F 70°F 240psi Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit 25° F 140°F 35°F 240 psi 80 psi 3:1
Turbo Concept System 25deg outdoor 110°F sat 130°F 21°F sat Outdoor Unit 70°F Indoor Unit 25˚F 220°F 80°F 35°F 120psi 80psi 360psi As outdoor air temperature drops the turbo would ramp up to maintain input to the primary compressor
Booster at 25deg outdoor air 130°F Discharge 110°F sat 21°F sat 95˚F LL Temp 70°F Return Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit 80°F 220°F 35°F 365psi 120psi 80psi
Economizer The Economizer only operates when the Booster Compressor is running. 110°F sat 130°F 95°F 50°F 21°F sat 70°F 41˚F Sat Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit 35°F 220°F 360psi 120psi 60°F 80psi