MAP Growth Testing Logistics August 2017
Required Tests Reading: Grades 2-10 Grade 2—Growth: Reading K-2 IA 2011 Grades 3-5---Growth: Reading 2-5 IA 2011 Grades 6-10---Growth: Reading 6+ IA 2011 Math: Grades K-10 Grades K-2---Growth: Math K-2 IA 2010 Grades 3-5---Growth: Math 2-5 IA 2010 Grades 6-10--- Growth: Math 6+ IA 2010
Testing Windows Fall: September 5 - October 2 Winter: December 4 – January 12 Spring: April 23 – May 18
Staff Roles Each school has a testing coordinator Teachers will be test proctors Note: schools cannot pull a staff member, such as a counselor, to be a full-time proctor during testing Note: additional proctors will be needed for small group settings and accommodations (special education teachers, ELL teachers, or coaches, etc.)
Rosters Rosters will be uploaded and updated into the MAP system from our Infinite Campus system If you have issues with students not being in the MAP system, please make sure the student is rostered correctly to a teacher in Infinite Campus
Points of Contact Test proctors (teachers) Building Test Coordinators office manager (check rosters) Network Instructional Technology Coordinator (IT coordinators will lead resolution)
Instructional Technology Coordinators Elementary Mike Lord & Wayne Knutson – J Starr Barry Jones & Greg Grylls– Collin Lane Middle School & High School Jake Welchans IB Sara Dougherty
Expected Outcomes by Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Administer identified tests at all three testing windows Gather baseline data Identify useful data reports • All staff are proficient in interpreting MAP data Fall Training: Class, Class Breakdown, & Learning Continuum • Winter Training: Achievement Status & Growth Summary with Quadrant Chart, Student Profile • School and district leaders utilize MAP data in decision-making • Utilize MAP data for school improvement planning and programming • School and district leaders understand where MAP fits in a Balanced Assessment System (August session with NWEA) Utilize MAP data for individual student goal setting and differentiating instruction
Hardware: Minimum Requirements Computers Two sets of 25-30 computers All Middle Schools East Lincoln Elementary Schools with enrollments of more than 500 K-5 students One set of 25-30 computers All other High Schools All other Elementary Schools Mice and headphones (K-2 only): set of 30 mice and headphones to administer Growth: MAP K-2
Accommodations Every student with an IEP or 504 that requires an accommodation, MUST receive it. Screen reader software via Chrome extension is available for students needing the math assessment read to them. MAPACCPROXY- login and username. Headphones will be needed for students needing the math assessment read to them if students are using the screen reader.
Resources for Proctoring Kite Module-Getting Started With MAP Documents available at Proctor Quick Sheet Proctor Tips and Troubleshooting Best Practices for MAP Growth Testing DMPS MAP Growth Retesting Guidance
Resources for Building Test Coordinators Kite Module-Getting Started With MAP Documents available at MAP Coordinator-To-Do NWEA MAP Implementation Guide Proctor Quick Sheet Proctor Tips and Troubleshooting
Essential Proctor Training Log into the MAP system Click on “Short tutorials to get you started” Scroll down to “Testing for MAP Growth” Complete these videos: Testing Overview Testing Demonstration Proctor Practice Set Up Testing Session Interrupt + Continue Testing Make-up Testing
Website: Resources Website: FAQs Powerpoint Parent Information Cheat sheet for problem solving Best practices for testing Proctor Information And More…