Maths Evening Reigate Parish Church Primary School
What this evening will cover… How we teach maths What addition, subtraction, multiplication and division looks like in each year group How we assess maths How to help at home Questions Introduce abacus, highlighting that while we use the planning and resources, we still embellish this with our own plans. Children are extended and given support as necessary and we plan appropriately for this. Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Maths in Reception Experiential learning Small carpet inputs Teacher led and independent application of learning Problem solving Continuous provision put out for the children (give examples from teachers – maybe some pictures) Either small group inputs or short whole class inputs once the children are settled in school Independent work collected as evidence in learning journey Show short video on counting in reception (about 1 min) Problem solving encouraged through questioning Counting while lining up, numbers displayed around the classroom, shapes out to play with, topic based activities Show short video (stop just after 1 min) Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Maths in Key Stage 1 Building on learning in Reception A lot of time spent on understanding number (facts, place value) Resources used regularly e.g coins, counters, hundred squares Online homework that supports the learning from that week Problem solving More counting in 1s to help with addition (show short video) Show some resources that we use Nrich problem solving Prove it questions Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Maths in Key Stage 2 Using and applying knowledge both with and without apparatus Refining formal written calculations Working with larger numbers Reasoning and problem solving Remember that children only move on if they are ready, there is no point if they have not mastered the foundations, they will struggle later on Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Addition + Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Addition + Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Addition + Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Subtraction - Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Subtraction - Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Multiplication and Division x ÷ Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Multiplication and Division x ÷ Reigate Parish Church Primary School
Multiplication and Division x ÷ Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How we assess maths Assessment ladders made by the school with statements taken from the National Curriculum. Year 2 also have the End of Key Stage Interim Assessment Framework, issued by the government. Abacus assessments Evidence is gathered from recorded work in books, any written assessments, photos and any written notes of things the children have said to support statements. Assessment for learning – all the time, as we plan and mark Assessment of learning – more formal assessment e.g target sheets, SATs Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How we assess maths Reigate Parish Church Primary School
How you can help at home Complete online homework (KS1&2) Tell the time using analogue clocks first Use measures around the house e.g measuring ingredients and counting money (coins and notes!) Times tables (in and out of order) Have fun with maths! Reigate Parish Church Primary School